Chapter 2

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Lauren threw her backpack towards the side of her bed and plopped herself down on her bed. Instead of being hit with a wave of exhaustion like always her mind was corrupted with thoughts. It was cliche for a teenager like herself to be questioning her sexuality. Truth is she never really had cared about love. She thought it was a waste of time and a distraction. Ever since she was small she never cared about meeting a prince charming. She cared more about trying to make her parents proud. Lauren trailed back to the first time she realized she wasn't straight. She was watching Orange is the New Black for the first time and she was immediately attracted to Alex Vause. She thought it was normal since she had seen that other female fans of the show had been attracted to her too, so she left it to be questioned by her another day. That day just happened to be today. Lauren was starting to make her head ache with all these thoughts and decided to talk about it with Ally. Ally didnt have practice today meaning she was available. Lauren reached towards her nightstand and got in her twitter app. Yeah she had a twitter, did she know how to use it? No. She only used her twitter to dm Ally and check on what Camila was doing. Lauren had originally gotten a twitter to find out what Camila's account was. After months that she had been searching it with no clues she had found it, Camila finally dropping her charade. After Lauren had found Camila she had changed her fan account's name to @camilacabello97. Lauren tapped on Ally's account to dm her.

@LaurenJauregui: Ally oh my god

A few minutes had passed and Lauren heard a small *ding* indicating that Ally had replied. Odd, it usually took Ally like 10 minutes to reply.

@AllyBrooke: What happened??

@LaurenJauregui: Something terrible happened...

@AllyBrooke: OMG TELL ME!!!

@LaurenJauregui: I think I might be falling in love

Falling in love wasn't Lauren's thing, especially if it wasn't with a book, song, or band. Ally was so in love with the idea of love she probably peed her pants the moment she read her message.


Lauren cringed a little at the question. She was scared to answer the question honestly even if she knew Ally would support and accept her. That wasn't what was bothering her, it was the fact that it was Camila, her bestfriend, who she might be possibly be falling in love with. Damn, she starts to think her bestfriend was attractive and suddenly she thinks she's in love. Where that thought come from anyway?

@LaurenJauregui: It might not be a he...

@AllyBrooke: So you really are gay?

Lauren giggled lightly at the message. On April 1st Lauren decided to tell Ally she was gay and tell her it was only an April fool's joke. It was that same day that Ally had told her she would accept her no matter what.

@LaurenJauregui: Im not really sure yet

@AllyBrooke: Oh...well who is it??

@LaurenJauregui: She's one of my bestfriends

@AllyBrooke: Dinah? Normani? Vero? Camila?

@LaurenJauregui: Its on that list, its the first name that comes out in alphabetical order

@AllyBrooke: Its Camila isn't it?

@LaurenJauregui: Yeah...

@AllyBrooke: Aww that's so cutee

@LaurenJauregui: Shut up.

Lauren and Ally continued messaging for about an hour and a half. Lauren helping Ally with some problems she had involving Troy and Cece. Lauren placed her phone on her nightstand after checking the time. It read 4:59 pm. Camila usually liked to call Lauren around this time. While waiting for Camila to call, Lauren scrolled downwards of her time line on twitter. She laughed at some funny tweets, and tweeted a few thoughts. Lauren was actually obsessed with twitter, having to check on it almost every two minutes. She never tweeted much, she just liked how funny some people were. Like most accounts, she had a fan account. She just used her personal to talk with Ally, not wanting her to see the really odd tweets from her. Moments later, Camila's caller ID popped out. Lauren quickly accepted it and clicked the speaker button. "Hiii Laurr," Camila's voice always sounded tired over the phone. "Hey Camz, what's up?". "Nothing much, my mom got on my nerves just now, something about me always snapping at my stepfather". Camila's mom, Sinu, was a great lady from what Lauren had seen. Lauren never understood why Camila couldn't get along with her stepfather, but she never questioned it. She knew she can easily get along with her mother, she was just too stubborn. For Lauren, she was unsocial towards her family. She was able to have a longer conversation with a random stranger than with any of my family members. She just didn't like any of them, all of them were the polar opposite of her. Lauren scoffed. "Why can't you be atleast polite to your stepfather for your mom's sake?" "Because he's an ass". Lauren laughed knowing that it probably wasn't the truth, Camila tends to over exaggerate. They continued talking for an hour, then the time came were they both became bored and stayed quite and use our phones.

*Lauren's POV*
"Do you remember summer '09? Wanna go back there every night, oh my my it was the best time of my life," Camila started to sing Rock Me. I didn't know every single One Direction song, but I really liked Rock Me, so I joined her in it. She was used to me singing with her, it was often that we both sang songs we liked. "Lying on the beach as the sun came down, playing the guitar by the fire too loud, oh my my the could never shut us down." "I used to think that I was better alone. Why did I ever want to let you go?"  After Rock Me we continued to sing other songs Camila would choose. I loved this side of her, the side that rarely nobody could experience unless they were close to her. At school, she was considered popular, she was also on the dance team with Ally. All the guys drooled over her. She was very sassy, you said one wrong thing and she'll say something snappy. People even wondered why and how I was to become her bestfriend. I was more laid back, I couldn't stand up for myself if my life depended on it. I was quiet, instead of dance, I was into Choir. Me and Camila are complete opposites, but for some reason I never wanted to let go of her.

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