Chapter 11

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-Friday, 2 weeks left-

Lauren walked through the hallways, hearing nothing but an eerie sound. The school seemed almost abandoned.
What was she doing here? The rooms were all pitch black. All that could be heard was Lauren's frightened breathing. She wanted to call out for someone, but what was the point? She would rather stay quiet. She entered a room, it seemed familiar, but as if she hadn't seen it in a while. After a few thoughts she finally got it, this was her 1st period class in freshman year. Also known as the year she first met Dinah, Normani, and Camila. Lauren smiled at the memories. Dinah and Normani were so nice, and Lauren was just intrigued by Camila. She remembered her desk, she walked towards it and laid her hand on it. She remembered the girl was quiet, didn't really talk to anyone. Almost as if she wasn't even part of this world. Almsot as if she was the only human existing to her. Of course, Dinah and Lauren were far too determined to befriend the brunette. Lauren giggled at the memory. "You like these memories a lot don't you?" suddenly a voice who seemed all to familiar spoke. Lauren turned around so fast, she was afraid she would've gotten wiplash. She was met with a face who was exactly like hers, only more darker, appearing to be tired or worn out. Dark bags hung around the pair of green eyes that weren't vibrant. More dull actually. "Who are you?" The more worn out Lauren chuckled. "Why, im you. The ugly side of you. The side you wish you could get rid of so dearly. I have our scars, I have the anti-depressants in us, I have the anger in our hearts, I have the unsaid thoughts from our mind." Lauren shook. She wanted so desperately to wake up from this dream now. She didn't want this side of her to take over again. "Right now, the good side is the one taking the role, thanks to your little crush. I however, will always be a part of you, you can't runaway from your problems that easy Jauregui," The other Lauren laughed out. Tears started to form on Lauren's face. She didn't want this Lauren to come back. Not when she was finally doing so well. "No! I won't let myself go back to how you are! Im done being negative. Wake me up already!" Lauren cried out desperately. The other Lauren snickered, "As you wish."

Lauren woke up panting, tears still shown on her cheeks. Why did she have a dream like that? Was she so crazy that now she was talking to her worst self in a dream? Her thoughts were distracted by a touch on her shoulder. Lauren flinched but soon realized it had been Camila. She's forgotten that she'd deciced to stay over. "Lolo...are you alright? You look like you just saw a ghost," Camila huskily says. Lauren couldn't help but smile at Camila. She lifted her hand and brushed a strand of Camila's hair off of her face. Camila smiling an adorable toothless smile at the gesture. "Im fine Camz, go back to sleep." "Okay Laur, but as long as I get to sleep in your arms." Lauren chuckled at the brunette next to her. "You've got a deal." And with that, Camila fell asleep instantly in Lauren's arms. Lauren on the other hand, was still wide awake. She couldn't help but think of the horrifying dream she had. Lauren knew she would have to inform this to her therapist. Lauren sighed and decided to try to fall asleep for the hundredth time, this time she succeeded.
-Monday, 1 week left-

Lauren had been getting odd looks ever since Camila became more affectionate with her. It was obvious why, no one has ever seen her so...loving. They soon became everyone's topic to gossip about, it drove her insane. She wasn't used to being gossiped about. She didn't feel comfortable with all the sudden whispers as she walked by. Lauren tried her best to ignore everything, but thanks to Shiloh, who had Art with her, she was up to date with everything. Ally occasionally telling Shiloh to stop because she knew how it made Lauren feel. Of course, Lauren was thankful. In fact it was happening right now. Shiloh had been going on for about 10 minutes, mentioning atleast 9 names of people Lauren didn't even know. Ally sighed realizing 10 minutes already passed, which meant it was officially okay to stop her. "Then, I heard Ashlynn talk bad about your beanie, could you believe that? She's so jealous, she rather be in your posi-," Ally cut her off. "Okay Shiloh, I think it's time for Lauren's brain to rest already, before she loses any more brain cells, " Ally chuckled. Lauren groaned at her headache. Worst of all, people had been coming up to her asking how she felt about Austin. Lauren couldn't give less of a fuck. Austin didn't seem to mind either. Which made Lauren womder if people were really that bored that they had to create drama between two people who don't even care. The bell rang indicating the end of the class, Lauren, Ally, and Shiloh got their stuff together and headed out. When they were about to part ways, Shiloh tapped Lauren's shoulder. Lauren turned to see the other girl was looking down at her shoes. "Im sorry for being so annoying these past two days Laur, I guess I just got too excited," Shiloh apologized. Lauren smiled at the girls words, not being able to hold some type of grudge. "Its fine Shiloh, just calm down on the rumours next time," Lauren chuckled. Shiloh smiled then turned around to head to her class, while the two other girls went the opposite way. "So is the drama with Cece over yet? Even if there wasnt any drama?" Lauren asked trying to make a conversation. "Yes thank god its over , everyone got bored of it since I was clearly not affected by it," Ally sighed in relief. "Now im known as the 'LGBT Captain of the Dance Team', its ridiculous," Ally scoffed. "Really? I find it funny," Lauren laughed. It made her wonder if she also now had a title. What would it be? Camila's dirty little secret? The one that turned Camila gay? The Infamous Camila's girlfriend? There was no way the last one would ever become real. Who knew when Camila was ready for a real relationship. Ally and Lauren entered their classroom, Lauren heading towards Dinah while Ally went to join her original seat, not being able to move to a closer seat with them. "Hey Lauser," Dinah greeted. "Hi Dinah, where's Camz?" "She had to go to the restroom for something," Dinah says. "Is she okay?" Lauren asked worriedly. "Yep, she's right behind you dawg," Dinah smirked. Lauren was confused for a second until she felt a pair of arms on her shoulders. "Aww, were you worried about me Lolo?" Camila says in a cute like voice. "Yeah, who else would Dinah tease if you weren't okay?" Camila laughed, and sat down next to Lauren. "Whatever you say Lolo," Camila smiled. Lauren couldn't help but smile back, Camila's smile causing her to do that. Lauren was dreading the day Camila would leave. She tried her best not to think about it, and continued to joke around with Dinah and Camila.

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