Chapter 18

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Lauren and the girls were getting ready to go to the play that Ally had suggested. Ally had been practically been jumping off all the walls due to excitement. Ally was taking theatre classes and singing classes, the small girl had been wanting to be on broadway. Normani tried to calm her down but didnt help, and Dinah just groaned. Lauren herself wasnt as excited, but was slightly looking foward to it. It had been a long time since her and the girls had gotten together like this. Lauren got dressed and decided to go with Dinah to pass time. She found the taller girl laying on the couch singing what appeared to be a Rihanna song. Dinah noticed Lauren walk in the room but ignored her and continued singing. Lauren just laughed and decided to listen intently while she waited for Ally and Normani. By the time Ally and Normani appeared Dinah had sung five songs, Lauren had almost fallen asleep as if Dinah was singing a lullaby to her. "Are yall ready?" Ally asked ignoring the fact that she was the last one to be ready. Everyone nodded anyways, making their way out their apartment. The girls were soon hit by countless of people walking hurriedly to their destinations. Lauren liked this about New York, the city was always alive. While Dinah and Normani were obviously not fans of certain rude people, they kept up with it. Occasionally Lauren had to apologize to people because Dinah almost pushed them with so much force that they would be on the ground. Ally on the other hand enjoyed this many people and has had countless of conversations with random strangers. Normani kept telling her it wasnt a safe thing to do, but Ally did so anyway. The girls had been walking down streets for the past fifteen minutes, finally, they saw the building come into view. Ally walked up to the booth and gave a man their tickets, the man waved at them signaling that they could head inside. The girls rushed to their seats, Lauren sitting next to Dinah. Soon a tall man with a well kept beard appeared in the seat next to Lauren. Lauren turned and the man gave her a kind smile, Lauren reciprocated the smile. Suddenly the theater got darker, indicating that the show was about to start. Lauren hadnt looked up this play so she had no idea what it was about, all she knew was that there will be singing and acting. The play began and the stage was soon filled up with people in costumes, acting and occasionally singing. A part came by were a girl was singing a ballad, and Lauren swore she could hear Dinah singing softly to the song. Lauren wouldnt be surprised if Dinah stood up and joined the lady on the stage. Lauren couldnt get too into the play, but was admiring every little detail. After a few hours the play had finally finished. Ally had been tugging at Normani's arm telling her how amazing it was. Dinah looked unimpressed, "I dont see the big deal. I give it a six out of ten." Lauren laughed but was interrupted by a deep voice. "Such a hard critique." Lauren turned around to see the bearded man who had sat next to her. Dinah looked at him confused, "Who are you?" "My name is Alexander, my sister got the lead role in this play and she insisted that I came to one of her shows. Although this isnt my thing, I came to support my sister," Alexander answered, looking directly at Lauren. Dinah saw the obvious look and decided to leave,"Ill wait for you outside with Ally and Normani. Okay Laur?" Lauren nodded at the taller girl, confused as to why she decided to leave. She turned back around towards Alexander who had a kind smile plastered on his face. "This may come off as odd but I was intruged by you. May I ask if I can take you out sometime?" Alexander asked hopefully. Realization hit Lauren that Dinah left because this is what Alexander had planned. Lauren didnt want to date anyone. She didnt want a relationship. Yet she still nodded at him,"Uh sure, My name's Lauren. and yeah." Alexander seemed content with her answer and wrote down his number on a paper and passed it to Lauren. "See you around, green eyes," Alexander said as he left to look for his sister. Lauren cringed at what Alexander told her. She felt as if she should be off the moon by someone as attractive as Alexander, but somehow she wasnt. Here she was, feeling nothing for him. She didnt feel butterflies or anything. Lauren walked out in a fast pace to meet with the girls, finding them on a bench. Normani perked her head up, noticing that the green eyed girl had finally arrived. "What took you so long?" As Lauren was about to answer, Dinah beat her to it. "She was talking with Alexander, a fine piece of man that she scored." Dinah wiggled her eyebrows suggestively while Lauren rolled her eyes. "Oooh who's Alexander?" Ally asked gaining interest in the conversation. "I just met him right now," Lauren replied. "What did he tell you?" Normani asked. "He just asked me of I could go on a date with him someday." "Well are you?" Ally asked curiously. "No, im not looking for a relationship. I dont really want to date anyone." Lauren stated. "Maybe you don't want to date Alexander. Maybe youre still waiting for Camila," Dinah said. "Dont be ridiculous Dinah," Lauren grunted. "You dont want to date anyone because youre still so into Camila. Truth is, you need to start getting over her. Because shes in Mexico and I dont think shes coming by to visit anytime soon," Dinah huffed. Lauren clenched her jaw to stop herself from snapping at Dinah in public. The girls knew Dinah was dancing on thin ice right now. Lauren was extremely touchy when someone mentioned Camila. "Ill meet you guys back at the apartment." Lauren practically growled. Lauren turned around to walk back home, hearing Ally scowling at Dinah for saying anything. Lauren was glad that she was still friends with the smaller girl after years, clearly only she knew what Laurens decisions meant and why Lauren acted a certain way. Lauren still ignored it and made her way through the sea of people towards her apartment. She got in the building and quickly made her way towards her room and locked herself in. Lauren changed into a t shirt and a pair of boxers. She made herself comfortable under the covers of her bed and gazed up towards the moon as it shone brightly. Lauren thought back to what Dinah had said. She was right. She hated to admit it, but Dinahs assumption was right. Lauren was in fact not over Camila at all. She only ever wants to be in a relationship with Camila. She knew it was somewhat sad, but she believed in Camila. She couldnt help that everything reminded her of the brown eyed brunette. Camila Cabello had made a promise, and Camila didnt break promises.

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