Chapter 16

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- 3 months later -
Camila entered the college she had applied to and got accepted at. She was thankful because at this college they spoke English. It had been three months. Three months since she's seen Lauren. Three months since she's decided to run away from everything. Camila tried everything to forget about it, but was left helpless. She even tried smoking. Trying to cover one problem with another. She couldn't get addicted though, she disliked smoking too much. She walked through the hallways, and couldn't help but realize just how different her surroundings were. Camila was a nobody here. She wasn't the 'Infamous Camila' anymore. Camila couldn't help but feel relieved. Nobody would notice her here. She wouldn't have to worry about what others thought about her. Camila had chosen to take phycology classes. She wanted to become a therapist. She didn't know why, but she felt as if the career was basically calling her. Maybe if she couldn't help herself or those she loved, she could help others. She took a seat far away from every other human. Camila didn't want to create friends. She didn't want to be noticed. Camila kept her head down, scribbling sayings on her journal as she waited for class to start. Much to her dismay, she felt someone tap her shoulder. Camila groaned and looked up to see a shy, nervous boy. He had light brown messy hair and didn't look half as bad. Camila didn't care, he wasn't Lauren. The boy spoke up, "Hi there, do you mind if I sit next to you?" Camila grunted as she nodded. The boy's English was a little messy. "My name is Nicolas, whats your name?" Nicolas asked with a soft welcoming smile. "My name is Camila," Camila responded, allowing herself to talk to someone atleast. "Were you born here in Mexico?" Nicolas asks out of curiosity. Camila explains to the young man that she was born in Cuba, then moved to Miami, then moved to Mexico. Nicolas nodded, taking in what Camila was telling him. Camila and Nicolas continued talking along the hallways. They were now sitting outside the building on a bench. Camila decided that it would be fine and that she would let herself become friends with Nicolas. Camila talked with the boy about how her life in Miami was. She told him about the girls and their plans to move to New York, she told Nicolas about Lauren. Nicolas gave Camila a sympathetic smile as she was describing to him how they had left things three months ago. It was Nicolas turn to tell Camila about himself. He told Camila how he was born in Spain but moved to Mexico with his mother and brother. Nicolas told Camila about his girlfriend, Anna. When Nicolas began to speak about Anna, his face became so animated. He talked about how much he loved her, how amazing Anna was, and how he was planning to marry her in two years. Camila couldnt help but feel jealous about Nicolas' happy relationship. That how her and Lauren shouldve been. Camila still didnt understand it, she was growing frustrated. She had concluded that she would never feel happy again until her and Lauren were back together. Now wasnt the time, for Lauren was angry at her. Camila decided that she would wait a million decades if it meant she could finally be with Lauren.

Lauren and the girls had just moved into their fairly big apartment in New York. As soon as she had arrived she was in awe at all the tall buildings. She felt inspired by the astounding city. Ever since she was a small girl she wanted to visit the famous state. She was currently in her room, unpacking a box she had titled as 'memories'. Inside the box were photos of her and the girls, and her and Camila. She hung up all the photos on the wall, not wanting to forget about Camila even if she told herself she had to hate her. Lauren spotted the letter Camila had written to her, and clutched onto it tightly on her chest. She placed the fragile paper somewhere where it would be safe from harm. It was almost time for Laurens first class, so she got ready and got in a taxi after saying her goodbyes to the girls. As she was on her way she looked at the variety of people through the window. People say that the amount of people would make you feel lonely, but for Lauren it was the opposite. When she arrived at her college she paid the driver and gave him a tip. Lauren had chosen to take art classes. She was far too in love with the idea that a piece of artwork can capture emotions. She believed that everything had a meaning. Maybe not to her, but to someone out there. Lauren sat down, anxious for her class to start. She was ready to take in everything there was to know about art. Her professor came in, he began to tell them his expectations. He told the class that everything they created had to come from the heart or the mind. If it didnt have emotion or inspiration, he wouldnt accept it. He spoke about how just one simple emotion, could create a beautiful masterpiece. The man looked about fifty four years old, but to Lauren he seemed like the wisest man shes ever met. She couldnt help but admire his words, thinking deeply about everything he said. After the professor finished talking, he let the students create whatever they wanted. Lauren decided to sketch out on her sketchbook whatever her heart desired. As she was finshed, she looked at it wondering what she had drawn. She almost dropped her pencil as she realized. Lauren had sketched Camila. Her doe eyes, her shy toothless smile,and the adorable mole at the edge of her hairline. Lauren couldnt help but admire her sketch. She still loved Camila. With all of her heart and soul. Even if her old self was coming back to life, she would never stop loving her. Lauren didnt notice that tears were starting to fall until she felt someone squeeze her shoulder. Lauren turned her head to see it was her professor, giving her a sympathetic smile. "Im excited to see what you will have in store for me in the future, Miss Jauregui," the man told her, leaving her shocked. Lauren felt proud that she had gotten praised from her professor on just the first day. She glanced back down at her sketch, realizing it wasnt a bad thing. Lauren had found her muse. It was then, Lauren realized that she would create the face of the girl she loved until she saw the real thing.

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