"Good catch, I do. It's only a four and a half though." I attempt to think of the information he has given me on them.

"A four and a half is classified as large right?" He gives me an impressed grin as we start heading towards school.

"You remember! Yes it is classified in the larger range because of the supposed aggressive looks it gives off." I can't say that I would call it aggressive. I think it looks sexy, it's one of those functional lift kits. It looks like it belongs on the road.

"Do you want to grab lunch with Blake Friday?" I randomly blurted out, last night he had complained a lot about not having his two bestie's for lunch. I wasn't aware that we had gotten to bestie stage then again, he does like to throw things at my window to get my attention when I am reading. It typically scares the daylights outta me, Major went off on him one day it was hysterical.

"Sure why not, we haven't done that for a few days." I chuckle, we typically go out to lunch once a week with Blake. Paranoid comes on by Black Sabbath, I turn the radio up just a little as I start nodding my head and dancing in my seat. I love rock and roll if you can't tell. Singing to the music we both act like idiots screaming the song with laughter. By the time we pull into the school parking lot I am about ready to cry I'm laughing so hard. Jumping out of his truck I drag my bag with me and we walk in together.

The school day drags on once more, Ryker is already waiting on me by his truck. Leaning against the fender with his shades on, I don't know what it is about the picture but wow is it stunning. For some reason the song 'Sharp Dressed Man' by ZZ Top pops into my head and I snicker at it. "You look happy?" Ryker comments pushing from the fender to let me in.

"Well yeah. Schools over." The drive back to my house is made with the pair of us goofing off just more toned down. Stepping inside I drop my bag on the hall table. "Major, ready to go outside?" He thunders down the stairs and meets me at the back door. I watch as he rockets from the porch making me roll my eyes at him. He's gonna hurt himself doing that one day, right off the porch is a wooden deck on the ground leading off to the outdoor kitchen area.

"Did your mom stop by and get her bag?" Glancing at the empty space where the bag was I shrug. It isn't there so I'm guessing it was her.

"Probably, what do you want for lunch?" I plan on making a simple wrap, can't go wrong with one of those. The car rides joy seems to fade as I begin to ponder if my mother just forgot to tell me she was gonna pick up her bag today.

"Whatever you're gonna have. Can I ask you something?" Pulling out my ingredients I start to make it giving him a nod. I wait for his question, glancing at him I see him watching me for a moment. "Are you and your family close?" Taking a deep breath I try and figure out how to answer it. The easy and simple answer is no.

"We used to be, people change, things happen ya know? My mother is all I have left." Shrugging as I roll the wraps and cut them. I don't mention the fact that that statement has a lot more to it. Such simple words represent someone's life story, it's funny how that's what most things can be boiled down to. Pushing his plate towards him I put the dishes into the sink.

"Are you home alone a lot then?" I pick up my wrap and give him a nod.

"More often than not, Major and I are typically the only ones home. Like I said before, my mom travels a lot." Leaning against the counter as I take a bite from my wrap. Hearing the clicking of Major's paws on the glass I walk over and open the door. Major trots past me and waits for someone to drop something. "Are you gonna stay late tonight?" I call out to Ryker as I walk back into the kitchen sitting at the breakfast bar next to him.

"I don't have to if you don't want to. It's up to you." Ryker is typically the last one to leave, and for me that isn't a bad thing. Since I typically drive my own car.

"No, I didn't mean it like that. I just figured I'd ask, I can bug you this way." I chuckle finishing up my sandwich and taking a sip of my water.

"If you're not careful I'll have you under the hood with me." I shake my head with a smile.

"I wouldn't hate it, I'm pretty curious about what you're doing. After reading all the technical mumbo jumbo it'd be cool to learn that end as well." Before I used to know nothing now I'm constantly asking them questions and looking into the engine bay - it's a lot more interesting than I thought it would be.

"We should head off to work then. My mom wouldn't care if you showed up late, but if I did? I'll get my ass chewed off. You've become her new favorite." Laughing as I hop off the stool and get Major ready to head out the door, I grab my bag as well figuring that I can work on my homework.

"I'm everyone's favorite." I toss a wink at him laughing once more, this is the type of banter that we often throw at one another. I then think of something that might be important. "Do you want to pack something for dinner? I still have lots of leftovers."

"Yeah, it can't hurt we can throw it in the mini fridge and eat later. Do you mind staying late at the shop to work?"

"Not at all, I love the shop Major has a bone there. Staying after hours is better than coming back to an empty house." Grabbing the leftovers from the night before I hand them off to Ryker.

"Well then I think we are gonna have a fun night at work. Gather some overtime, wanna work on our homework as well?" Nodding why the hell not.

"Sure, that sounds like a good idea, it's easier to work with a partner than not." I grab a few drinks and a bag to put it all in. Gathering it all we head out, locking the front door we wander down the front steps.

"How are we gonna get him into the truck?" Ryker makes me look at his truck and at Major, I give him a grin.

"That's easy, just watch." Pulling open the back door I point to the back seat giving him his command to jump. "Hoop" With a snap he jumps with ease landing on the back seat looking like he just won some kind of prize. Putting my bags in the back I look at Ryker with a cocky grin.

"You are bilingual?" He blinked a few times with slight surprise as he opened my door for me.

"I learned German when I started volunteering at a dog training camp. It's how they taught their dogs." 

Blood BetrayalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora