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The Black wizard smiled weakly at his werewolf friend, who was slumped in relief at seeing him and Harry.

But first, "I gotta admit Mooney..." a look of shame bloomed on Sirius's face, "At one point I did think it was you. That it was your fault."

He had mumbled, not being able to look Remus in his amber coloured eyes. If he had, he would have seen a rush of hurt and an explosion of anger.

"It's stupid of me, I know. I couldn't think-"

"I think it's completely stupid of you to even think for a second that I'd betray you or James or Lily!" The werewolf growled loudly, his arms flying around in a fashion very unlike himself, "Honestly, Sirius! I know I'm a monster but-"

"You're not a monster, Remus!!" The silver eyed wizard shouted over him, "You're my friend and just as human as any of us. At times, even more so."

Sirius and Remus fell into the sofas opposite each other, both ashen faced, now watching little Harry sleeping the world away.

"I just can't believe they're gone, Sirius. Not even two days, I was talking to Lily about Harry's future," the werewolf leaned forwards, his elbows on his knees as he ran his fingers through his hair roughly.

The black haired man nodded slowly before he murmured, "I know. And now Harry won't ever be able to know his parents."

Silence filled the room until Elijah and Minerva walked in, the Original's hands in his pockets and the older witch's hands clasped in front of her.

The vampire sat beside Sirius and the Professor sat next to Remus.

Elijah's nostrils flared and his gazed narrowed in on Remus, "Wolf."

His tone of voice made the young werewolf shrink in on himself and Minerva and Sirius bristle.

"I suggest you leave Mr Lupin alone, Mr Mikaelson. He is your nephew's only remaining friend, who I know he will defend viciously and he is also one of my former students that I care for a great deal," The Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts actually made Elijah gulp, "so please, I dare you to try-"

"'Ijah..." a happy baby voice called, making all eyes turn to the now red and gold crib, courtesy of Remus, against the wall.

The Original frowned and stood, carefully approaching the baby. He looked over the edge and to see the toddler looking up at him with those vibrant green eyes that could dazzle anyone. Perhaps even Mikael himself.

"Yes, young Harry?" Elijah leant down, the young child taking hold of his finger until suddenly a spark of something hit him and he flew across the room, slamming into the wall.

A second of silence and Sirius burst out in a fit of laughter.



Tears were filling the Mikaelson's disbelieving eyes, not trusting his own sight. The woman standing in front of him couldn't be her. She was dead. Alyssandra's dead...

This...this...she's just a doppelgänger...


"Hello, Nikky," the blonde's face pulled into a smile that he had missed so much.

"You're dead."

Alyss snorted, "So are you."

A watery scowl crossed Klaus's face, "You-"

"It's me," the woman's smile softened. She stepped past her doorway and almost immediately he had her in his arms. The Mikaelson had his eyes closed as he clutched the one person he had longed for in all his years of being a vampire.

The scent of sweet fruit and freshly picked flowers danced around them. The aroma always made the Original think of her.

Alyssandra Talisman had been his rock through Mikael's beatings and was always there when he needed her the most. Klaus would never tell anyone how jealous he was whenever his siblings stole her attention.

"Alyss..." he mumbled into her shoulder, her curls brushing his forehead.

She hugged him back, just as hard, "It's good to see you, Nikky."

"I've missed you so much," Klaus murmured. He pulled back, his eyes darting all around her face until their identical gazes met.

"Of course you have. I'm Alyss," she gave her brother a smug smirk.

The man returned her smirk with a weak grin. He then sighed and took a step back, "I know."

His sister frowned, "Know what?"

The Mikaelson rubbed both his hands up and down his face, dispelling any tears that might fall, "I know I'm your brother Alyss."

She froze and Klaus peaked out through the gap between his fingers.

Relief filled him when a humoured smile spread across her face, "Well I guess I don't have to have that kind of awkward conversation with you then," Alyss then tilted her head and dramatically waved her arm with a slight bow, "My name is Alyssandra Talisman and I am your sister."

Klaus grinned and hugged her again.

"Come inside for a cup of tea, Nikky."


Elijah had huffed an amused sigh as he stood up and brushed his suit down. He did wince at the massive dent in Alyss's living room wall though. His eyes roamed across the three magic users and the small child that had just flung him across the room with a mere touch.

"Welcome to the family."

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