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Elijah's eyes were wide with disbelief, "If you were made the same way we were made, Alyss... you're an Original vampire, you couldn't have possibly mothered a child."

The blonde looked at him, amused, "Out of all of your siblings, Lijah, I always believed you to be the most intelligent."

The Mikaelson almost blushed. Almost.

"Do you remember when I came to the village?"

"Niklaus had just turned seven. You had found him and I after Mikael had...beaten him." Elijah murmured, his eyes looking down at the counter with his jaw clenched.

"I had helped you clean his wounds and what did you say to me?" Alyssandra's voice was soft and reminiscent.

"I said you looked a lot like Klaus with your blue eyes and blonde hair..." the Mikaelson felt a surge of realisation rock through his body.

She smiled, "Nik is my younger brother."

The man just stared at her.

"I can have children because I am half wolf and half vampire. When I woke from Esther killing me, I was afraid and I ran. I had not triggered my wolf until two centuries after being turned. An elderly man who had taken care of me, pleaded for me to put him out of his misery. He was in so much pain..."

Alyss's eyes grew distant as her voice seemed to deepen with sadness.

Feeling the immediate need to change the subject so the blonde wouldn't be upset, Elijah asked, "Your son? What of him?"

He was successful because a brilliant smile bloomed on Alyssandra's face, "I sought out a way to break Nik's curse. I knew Esther had locked his wolf away and I needed to know what spells she had used. It wasn't until a couple of decades ago however that I met a man... a Core Wizard... he had helped me and..."

"You fell in love?" The blonde glanced up at one of the few people that she had missed talking to every day, one of the even fewer people that she made sure to keep safe.

"Orion was betrothed to another, yet our love for each other created a beautiful baby boy. He looks so much like his father..." Alyss's voice lowered to a whisper, "i asked Orion to give the piece of White Oak to Sirius, so my son knew that I loved him and trusted him with my life."

"The boy knows everything-?"

"About me. Not the Mikaelsons. I love my son, but I'd never put my brother's family in danger. Your secret is not mine to tell." The blonde smiled at him again.

"His name is Sirius, after the Dog Star? And the father is named Orion?" The brown haired vampire smirked, humoured.

Alyss shrugged lightly, "It's their family tradition I suppose. I promised Sirius that I would come for him and I will soon because I have found the way to break Nik's curse."

A surprised look settled on Elijah's face, "You what?"

The blonde smiled, "Sirius helped me with it actually. After we break Nik's curse, I tell him the truth about myself and my son, we can get rid of Mikael and release the rest of your siblings."

"Will Klaus be able to have children?" Elijah frowned.

Alyssandra nodded, "Perhaps a child will soothe his anger as well as his soul. I know mine did."

A comfortable silence fell upon the two as they continued breakfast, once thinking of how her son's education was going and that tonight was when she could use the mirror he had given her, while the other stewed over the new information he had received.

His brother did have quite the temper and tended to say horrible things when angry. If what Alyss said was true, then perhaps finally they'd be rid of Mikael and his family would be whole. Even better than whole seeing Alyssandra was alive.

"How do you think Klaus will react when you tell him you're his sister from his actual father?" Elijah placed his knife and fork on his now empty plate.

The blonde bit her lip, "I'm not sure, dear one. I hope he accepts me and Sirius. But if he doesn't, Lijah, I will always be here for the rest of you," Alyss stood from the counter and clapped her hands together, "Now get dressed. Our... brother awaits."

Elijah smiled softly at her.


Alyssandra sat in front of a large mirror with an excited smile on her face, delighted to see her son again. He'd always have to call her, seeing as he was in Scotland. Going to that strangely named school.

Sirius was in his seventh year when Alyss had promised that he could come to live with her and stay for good if he so chose. They were both curious to see if the immortality of a vampire had passed down to him.

And if it hadn't... Alyssandra would give him the choice of course.

But it had been few since then.

The mirror suddenly shimmered and the blonde smile widened until it dropped to see her son's teary face.

Immediately, she was on edge.

"Where are you?" Her tone, deadly.

"Godric's Hollow." He whispered.

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