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Minerva was present when Hagrid burst into the headmaster's office, how he fit through that doorway was beyond her, to yell at Albus that a blonde woman with a scary face vanished with Sirius and Harry. Gold eyes, black veins down her cheeks and a set of very sharp looking teeth.

Almost instantly, a faint memory of a young Mister Black coming to her late one night came to mind.


A light knocking on her door to her chambers disturbed the sleep deprived professor from marking the rest of the atrocious Transfiguration essays written by the second year students. Oh, Merlin she wanted to bang her head her head on her desk.

"Come in," she voiced with her Scottish accent more noticeable with her being so exhausted.

The door opened with a slight creak, revealing one of her most troublesome students, but also one of her favourites, not that he will ever know...

"Hey, Minnie." McGonagall rather loved the nickname, it made her heart swell with warmth.

"You should be in bed, Mister Black. You have a long day of exams ahead of you." The professor peered at Sirius over her glasses, voice gentle.

The fourth year nodded slowly, his mouth twisted with distaste but continued his way over to her paper ridden desk anyway, "I can't sleep, I've been thinking too much about my mother and what do for the school break."

Minerva frowned, "What about Walburga?"

The Black Heir shook his head vehemently, now with a scowl on his face, "Found out ages ago, Minnie, that she's not my real mother. Father spelled her to believe that I was her firstborn after they were married."

The professor's eyes were with shock, but her face remained blank, "Oh my..."

"She's in America." The boy twisted his lips and dropped his eyes to the floor.

"But what has you so puzzled, Sirius?" The older woman was confused.

"She invited me to spend school break with her and i don't know whether to tell my father the truth or that I would be staying with James and his parents and sneak away." The boy sat himself in the chair opposite Minerva, looking down at his lap.

"Why not tell Lord Black? Does he not want you to spend time with your real mother?" She asked softly, her heart aching for him and his troubled thoughts.

"Father only just stopped Walburga from disowning me when I was placed in Gryffindor. Like he knew that being who my mother is, he wasn't surprised..." Sirius's voice trailed off into a whisper.

Minerva leant forward, her chin resting on her entwined fingers and her elbows, on her desk, "What is she like?"

The fourth year shrugged, "I've only met her twice, so I can't really tell you much, but from what I do know," his silver eyes grew misty and dare she say, like a child in a candy shop, "She's proud, loyal, smart and brave. The first time she saw me after having to leave, she looked like she was gonna cry with happiness," he took a too a breath, "She's beautiful and kind, Minnie, everything I could hope for in a mother. Everything I wished Walburga to be. A dream come true she was."

The professor smiled gently, happy that one of her best students had finally a parent he deserved. Orion might be his father, but he was rarely present in his all of Sirius's childhood. Although now Minerva could understand why.

His son was a constant reminder of his lost love, and even though the boy seemed to be an exact replica of him, no doubt Lord Black could see her.

"Why are you afraid of what your father would think if you wanted to spend time with your mother?" That was definitely something that had her confused.

Sirius shrugged, "Maybe he doesn't want Walburga to know? Maybe he's scared that I'll want to stay with her..."

She nodded, definitely seeing his logic, when a thought hit her.

Minerva stood from her desk abruptly, startling young Sirius, "Come with me."


Professor McGonagall strode proudly through moonlit halls of Hogwarts with a confused and tired student stumbling behind her.

A short while later, Minerva knocked on a familiar door and a short minute later, a disgruntled man in tatty pyjamas opened it.

"Ma'am," the man narrowed his gaze at Black, assuming the worst, "A detention?"

"No, Argus. I need you to relinquish the two wayward mirrors to me." The professor stated in a no nonsense tone.

He nodded slowly and backed into his room closing the door, before the sounds of things being thrown everywhere and curses echoed out.

Sirius looked up at Minerva, eyes wide and her lips were pursed with disapproval.

The door swung open and in his hands were two compact mirrors, "Here you go, ma'am."

"Thank you, Argus. Goodnight."

The man bowed his head and narrowed his gaze at Sirius again.


Once again, the fourth year and the professor sat opposite each other, but this time, on cushioned armchairs and in front of a blazing fireplace.

The greying witch handed one to him, "With these mirrors, you can see and talk to the person who has the other. Open it."

He did and Minerva opened her's, them both seeing the other's faces. And Sirius was impressed, a smirk that worried her greatly on his face.

But...she felt this was something he definitely needed.

"I will transfigure one into a large decorative piece to hang on a wall and you keep the compact. And if you so wish it, Mister Black, I will give it your mother-"

"So I can talk and see her anytime I want?" The boy almost shouted, excited and grateful at the same time.

Not bothering to scold her student for interrupting her, because how could she? Sirius was eager to see his mother, Minerva nodded with a kind smile.

Out of nowhere, the boy launched himself forward and hugged his professor. She patted his head awkwardly and cleared her throat.

Of course...he'd never tell Moony, Prongs or Wormtail he did...

The fourth year sat back in his chair, and tearfully smiled, "Thanks Minnie."

"You're very welcome, Sirius."


He had told her of several places where she might be and on Minerva's fourth attempt, she finally met Alyssandra Talisman.

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