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Minerva stood in front of her good friend's mansion with her lips pursed, wringing her hands nervously, which was very unlike herself. The witch desperately hoped that the young Black wizard didn't believe that she'd been a part of Dumbledore's plan to orphan and isolate poor Harry.

Surely, with being as intelligent as Sirius was, he'd have figured out that the Order, under the headmaster's instructions, had pushed Peter into Voldemort's arms. If he didn't know, she would most definitely tell him the truth.

And, of course, it would be lovely to see Alyssandra again.

The Transfiguration Professor took a deep breath to steady herself and moved to knock when it was opened, to reveal a rather handsome man, dressed in what seemed to be a very expensive, muggle suit, "Good evening, madam. How may I be of assistance?"

Stunned for only a moment, the woman then cleared her throat and smiled politely, "I was wanting to see if Ms Talisman was home. And I was also hoping that young Master Black was present as well. Safely, of course."

The man narrowed his gaze, enough to make himself seem only slightly intimidating to the older woman, as he was wary of the aura she radiated, then reached out his hand, "Elijah Mikaelson. And you are..?"

She took it and he kissed her fingers, ever the gentleman, "Minerva McGonagall."

"A pleasure, madam. Alyssandra is indeed home. As is Sirius. They're both in the kitchen." Elijah smirked and moved to the side of the doorway, hiding the fact that he was a little confused as to why he couldn't smell her or hear her heartbeat.

Unbeknownst to the Original, the older witch had masked her scent after Alyss had at one time told her that her blood, as well as all Core Magic Users, was very potent and if the blonde had not have had such excellent control over her thirst, then the blonde very well could have attacked her.

Minerva also thought that if she were to spend time with her friend, she might as well hide her heartbeat as well and Alyssandra seemed to love it when other vampires gave them such bewildered looks.

The fact that Mister Mikaelson had moved, allowing her entry without saying anything, made her realize that he too was a vampire and wanted to see if she had already been invited in, him believing she was a vampire.

She smiled at him, understanding his caution and walked right past him into her friend's home.

Minerva strode through the house, towards the kitchen to where Elijah had told her they would be. And having been here before plenty of times, she didn't need any more directions.

The witch was not ashamed to admit that Alyssandra was a good friend and she knew if anyone, other than two, maybe three living wizards, were to find out of her friendship with a vampire, an Original at that, the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts would lose all credibility in the Wizarding World, her wand snapped and be shunned for the rest of her life, if not sent to Azkaban.

However, she believed that she would be fine as long as she had Alyss since the Talisman Hybrid was all things.

A mother, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a confidante.

The blonde was a beautiful person, both inside and out and it often made Minerva think that Sirius was the luckiest boy in the world to have her as a mother.

She came to the kitchen, a feeling of warmth erupting in her chest to Alyssandra holding her beloved son when the blue eyed hybrid looked to her blank faced. The Black wizard turned too and his silver eyes flashed with shock, widening before his lips curled back to bare his teeth, a low growl echoing from his chest.

Immediately, Minerva knew what he was thinking and quickly threw her wand onto the centre kitchen counter, then slowly raised her hands, "Sirius wait, please."

Behind him, Alyss took her son's hand before the black haired wizard could move and Elijah was suddenly in the kitchen, having heard the young man's growl, "Is everything alright in here?"

The witch looked to each of the three, "I need to speak to Mister Black, if you would so allow it, Alyss."

The young wizard squeezed his mother's hand and swallowed, before glancing to her. The blonde nodded to him with a soft look in her eyes and Sirius peered back at his former professor, "We'll go to the sitting room."

She gave him a small smile that didn't really reach her eyes as he walked away and the witch turned back to her friend, who opened her arms wide. Tears began to well in Minerva's eyes and the wrinkles in her face became even more prominent.


Elijah watched in awe, leaning against the kitchen doorframe, as his brother's sister radiated warmth and security, having not only soothed her son's anger and need for revenge but also holding together the woman falling apart in her arms, shoulders trembling as sobs were silently wept into Alyss's shirt.

It brought back so many memories of when he and his family were human.

One thousand years later and Alyssandra was still the helping hand to her friends and family.

Always there when needed and always ready to protect and defend.


"Come Minerva. Go to Sirius, see Harry and I'll bring you some tea, okay?" Alyssandra whispered into her friend's ear.

The witch nodded and stood up straight and wiped her tears, trying in vain to rid herself of her tear stains, "Thank you, Alyss."

"Anything you need, Minnie. Anything at all, I'm here."

Minerva smiled and cupped the hybrid's cheek, "You are the greatest friend I have ever had, do you know that?"

The blonde smirked, a smirk that Elijah knew very well, "Of course, I am. I'm Alyss."

The witch's smile became more genuine, before leaving to follow Sirius.

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