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Sirius and his Uncle were having no luck in locating the traitor who had killed two of his best friends. The Black Heir had a sneaking suspicion, much like how his father had had sometimes, that his mum was getting closer to finding the rat than he was. And...he trusted her to do so.

It also gave him the opportunity to get to know the real Niklaus Mikaelson and not the Mikaelsons they were taught about in History. Maybe even learn more about that curse Esther had put on him.

"What was it like growing up with her? Never really talked to Mum about when she was human, or like, an untriggered wolf. I was always in a state of awe and affection whenever i got to spend time with her."

Nik turned his gaze to look at his nephew with his head tilted slightly, "Awe?"

The wizard nodded with a faraway glint in his silver eyes, "I'm always amazed when i think about Mum being MY mother. Walburga, the woman my father had to marry... she was an awful, horrible person and could've been a Dark Lady had she not died. I think she was trying to poison Orion, but with being gone all the time... I don't know."

"What else about your father?" Klaus kept his curious gaze on the young man as he unconsciously played with a small wooden piece carved into the shape of a wolf's head that hung a thin piece of cord around his neck.

"The rest of my family tell me he's dead, but i got this niggling feeling that he's out there. He was always up and about, travelling around the world. Probably to get away from Walburga. I wanted to think that he was searching for Mum 'cause she was moving around a lot, too."

"Was he good to you?" Klaus couldn't help but worry about his newfound nephew, actually planning to hunt this man down, if he was still alive and if he had been an arsehole.

Sirius opened his mouth, but no sound came out. It took a few seconds before the Black could answer, "Can't say if he was or wasn't, honestly. He was barely at home..."

The Mikaelson nodded slowly, slightly relieved, "At least you had Alyss. I grew up beside her, so i know what it's like to be mothered by her."

His nephew smirked, "Which one of us do you think cops it more, Uncle Nikky? I think you do."

Klaus narrowed his blue eyes at Sirius playfully, "Please, you're her son. You're gonna get smothered."

The two stared at each other for a couple seconds, before they broke out in a fit of chuckles.

The wizard was grateful.

He needed a good laugh.


Alyssandra and her son's best friend had left baby Harry's room quickly, the young werewolf not being able to stay there for more than a few minutes.

"Do you think he's still here, love?"

Alyss looked to a tensed up Remus for an answer, but fell quiet when she noticed he had frozen with his eyes staring daggers at one side of the room.

The blonde followed his sharp gaze, to see him glaring at one of the cushions on the large, blackened sofa. Without a second thought, Alyssandra honed in her hearing. And there was the quietest thud of a small, racing heart coming from it.

An almost silent growl bubbled from the back of her throat before she looked back to Remus once more with a nod of her head. He nodded back and they both slowly approached the torn couch.

The wolf suddenly yanked the cushion from the chair and using her vampire speed, Alyss snatched a furry little rodent, trying to escape, up.

She bared her teeth, letting her eyes glow and veins crawl down her cheeks, before roaring in it's terrified face. The Talisman Hybrid then smirked, now looking completely like her beautiful self, "How wonderful it is to meet disgusting pillock."

Beside her, Remus clenched his teeth to hold in his own growl then stormed out of the living room to leave his dead friends' house and away from a person who he had once called a friend.

Left behind, Alyss narrowed her sapphire blue eyed gaze at the rodent, "When Sirius is finshed with you, little Pettigrew, I will rip your heart from your chest and shove it up your ass. Then i will back hand your head off your shoulders and display it on my mantle on a golden platter," The blonde smirked viciously, something very similiar to her little brother's, at the petrified glint in his black, beady eyes, "How does that sound?"

Tightening her grip on Pettigrew, to the point of him struggling to breathe and squeaking in pain, "I'm sure you've hear of the Mikaelsons?"

The squeaks paused, before a single whimper followed.

"Well, they learned everything from me, sweetie. So, you're in for a treat."


Remus was the smallest bit shocked that he was able to conjure a patronus after what had happened these past few days. He was able to send his patronus, a shining blue wolf, off to find his last remaining school friend to tell him, they'd finally found the rat.

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