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Sirius woke to something tugging on his hair.

Opening his eyes, the wizard could see and recognize the room that his mum had set up for him whenever he had come to visit. He was going to ask, when the time came for him to stay with her indefinitely, if James and Lily could come as well, bringing Harry along to escape the war, Voldemort and the Order. He didn't know about Remus and of course, Peter...

There was a cute gurgle behind him and the pulling of his hair was starting to become a little bit painful. Sirius rolled over to find baby Harry giving him the widest gummy smile, before shoving a fistful of hair into his mouth.

"Aah, aah, aah. Don't do that, pup!" He gently disentangled his precious locks, a small look of disgust on his face as a strand of drool followed, "Eww."

Sirius studied Harry's face, already looking like his father, and his green eyes that gave an eerie glow that wasn't there before. The wizard winced at the angry, lightning bolt shaped cut on his forehead.

An explosion of rage and the need for vengeance flooded his core.

That filthy rat would pay.

He shot out of his bed, leaving Harry to give a sound of surprise and raced down the hallway to where he knew the kitchen was. And there was Alyss and a man wearing a suit with his hands in his pants' pockets.

The black haired wizard always paused whenever he saw his mum. She was everything he wanted for a mother and was always there when he needed her most. Sirius was never more grateful to find out on his six birthday that Walburga was not his real mother. And beyond ecstatic when he finally met Alysssandra.

She had said he could call her Alyss if he wanted, but he'd thrown his arms around her waist and tearfully called her Mum. She was perfect in his eyes and no one could tell different.

The blonde turned to smile at him, but her face set into a serious expression when she saw his.

Sirius had no doubt that he looked angry, very angry, "Where's the toy, Mum? I need it. I need to go hunt that bastard down."

He started to look around the room, then raced off into the lounge room as well. Where was it? He'd made that portkey for his mum, but now he needed it.

A cough behind him halted his flustered search, Alyss holding the toy dog in her outstretched palm.

He went to take it but, but stopped him.

"I know a little about your world, Siri. I know about Azkaban."

Sirius winced and clenched his jaw and his fists, "I don't ca-"

"I do!" The blonde snapped, "I will not have my son become a murderer when he could quite possibly have the werewolf gene. I understand the need to get revenge, my love, I do. But now you have a child to care for."

The wizard's head dropped to stare at the floor, the gears turning in his head, "But he betrayed my friends, Mum."

"Then I will bring you his head on a plate."

Elijah gave a single laugh, "You must tell Klaus first. I'm sure he'd enjoy killing someone that upset his nephew."

Sirius looked up at the Mikaelson, "Who are you?"

"Excuse me. I'm Elijah."

The wizard stared at him blankly and shrugged his shoulders uncaringly, "Is that supposed to mean something to me?"

Alyss snorted with a smirk on his face, while the Mikaelson Original looked terribly insulted.

"Mikaelson, my love." The blonde softly stated and a wave of realisation flickered across Sirius's face before settling on embarrassment.

"Sorry, Ma always said I speak without thinking."

"So does your Uncle, trust me."

Alyss put the toy dog in her pocket before she reached forward to hold her son, the wizard relaxing in her embrace, "I've missed you, and I'm happy to have you here, even if it is under horrible circumstances."

Elijah watched the two with a smile on his face, hopefully, Klaus would want to be apart of this.


"Have you still got that necklace I gave you?" Alyss spoke as she spooned a small bit of carrot purée into Harry's mouth.

It was lunch time, Elijah had gone out to torment a few of the local vampires whilst the blonde fed her family.

Sirius's head snapped up, a cautious look in his silver eyes, "Why?"

"I might be needing it soon." She continued, making a face at the giggling baby.

"Again, Ma, why?"

"I'm going to shove into Mikael's heart, killing him and making my brother whole." The blonde smiled at him.

"You're not going to-"

"No, Siri. Never. Besides I don't think you know how to look after a child." She laughed when her son glowered at her with an insulted expression.

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