Chapter 38 arrested

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Jax's p.o.v
I woke up to police sirens Emma woke up to my parents were up to we asked what's going on they said Daniel is getting arrested we ran outside and Diego,andi,and Maddie were outside high fiving we asked did Daniel get arrested they nodded we all hugged we were all very happy Maddie said she called the cops this morning and told the cops Daniel assaulted Emma they came and arrested him and said for something like this no one can bail him out for at least 10 years I got a text from mr.Alonso that was only sent to the gang for us to not come to school because he heard what happened we all went to Maddies house and hung out there then we decided to get up because we needed to go Christmas shopping we went to the mall and split up and started shopping.
Emma's p.o.v
When we slit up to go shopping we went looking for the perfect gifts Andi bought tony a magician set since he loves Magic Maddie got Diego a new pair of vans and I got jax a new leather jacket we tele transported home the guys got here and we locked the door and I made jax's key appear in my hand a put a spell lock on transporting into the house we laughed at the guys we eventually let them in when they did they tackled us and we went to bed

Next time on stay with me.....
Emma:tomorrow's the dance
Daniel:I am going to break out a ruin that dance
Jax:Emma no!!
Emma:jax help

Hey lovelies short chapter because the special chapters will be coming soon the dance chapters will be tomorrow and I changed my cover on my story I hope you like it I added a picture of season 3 it has jax in his rebels boot camp uniform and go on to get a awesome sneak peak and it already shows that there is going to jemma❤️❤️❤️ bye lovelies

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