chapter 1 where it all began

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Emma's p.o.v

It was just a normal day for me I woke up to blank space by Taylor swift I groaned as I pushed snooze and rolled over and went back to sleep then blank space came on again and I finally got up I took a shower and used a spell to get in my iridium high uniform I straightend my hair and and put on my shoes and did my makeup and ate breakfast then andi came and we headed to school

Jax's p.o.v

I grumbled as stay with me blasted through my alarm if was my first day at my new school called iridium high I got on my uniform that came in the mail It was very uncomfortable but then I put on my leather jacket that made it more comfortable I slid on my combat boots and poofed my motercycle helmet and sped down the road to iridium high.

Emma's p.o.v

When me and andi got there a motorcycle sped through the parking lot and parked and took off his helmet he had jet black hair and warm brown eyes he saw Me staring at him and winked then I saw my boyfriend Daniel I ran and gave him a hug then we walked in school hand in hand then over the intercom Emma Alonso Emma Alonso. Please report to the principles office I said well I gotta go I waved by when I entered I saw that same cute boy Mr Alonso said Emma this is jax navoa and he is new here please show him all of his classes and his locker now you better get going I have work to do as i left and jax on my side I showed him his locker and his classes when we were done the day was over I asked jax if he wants to hang out later he said ok so we exchanged phone numbers and addresses he walked home with me and we told eachother things about us and stuff about our lives

Hey lovelies. That's what I'm calling you hope you enjoyed the first chapter bye

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