chapter 16 let the games begin

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emma's p.o.v

i groaned as my alarm went off but jax was not there he probbaly fell asleep playing video games again i flashed on my uniform and headed downstairs i was on instagram but then i checked the time it said it was 4:00 in the morning then i ran into jax and he started bursting out laughing i glared at him and grabbed a pillow and a blanket and set an alrm on my phone and jax tagged along and we both fell asleep n the couch as i drifted off to sleep i thout let the games begin.

jax's p.o.v

that prank i pulled on emma was so funny but we went back to sleep which i am totally fine with any way skipping to a 7:00 when me and em actually had to get up she once again flashed on her uniform and i flashed on mine she decided to change it up she curled her hair and wore heels.

ashley's p.o.v

i groaned as i slammed my fist on my alarm clock i groggily got up took a shower and flashed on my uniform i didnt have much time so i grabbed my vera bradley bag and stopped my starbucks and got a pumpkin spice latte and then headed to school.

jax's when me and em were getting ready for school i decided to run upstairs and put my hair in a quiff bu then my hair seemed really sticky then i realized instead of hair gel i put glue in my hair hen i saw emma laughing i glared at her and i cast a spell to get the glue out and put my hair in my normal style

hey lovelies i decided to now do a qotd (question of the day)

qotd:what is the color of your hair? mine is dirty blonde

//forever// every witch way jemma fanfictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat