Chapter 24: Incentive

Start from the beginning

"Good evening, Amber," she said, smiling. 

They looked at each other, didn't say anything, and finally she sighed and said, "Good evening, Leone. When can you get the Demon out of me? It's been two weeks."

"Yes, we just need a little bit more information, and we'll be able to do it. We're already more than halfway there." Leone's smile grew. 

"More than halfway there? I thought it'd be done by now. And Sol told me that by the end of this week the Emblems will be pulled out of one to one training to spar with each other. I can't do that if this thing is still inside me," Amber argued. 

"That is why, if we cannot make it in time, you will not be sparring with the others." Leone seemed to think that her words were an assurance. 

"You would sacrifice my training in order to keep the others safe?" she tried to clarify. 

"The reason why you want to get that Demon out isn't that you want to train, Amber," Leone pointed out. She didn't give her a response. "Is it getting worse?" The Human Delegate's gaze bored into hers. Against her will, her own gaze flicked away to stare at the wall. "It is, isn't it?" She answered her own question. "Daniel has been telling me about it." And again Amber’s body betrayed her, and she stiffened at her mention of Daniel. 

"It's none of your business," she snapped. 

"It is my business. It's our business," Leone corrected. "We can make more progress if you tell us these kinds of things." Oh, so now it's my fault that you can't solve this problem? Leone looked at her expression, which she hoped was blank and unreadable, and then sighed. "You don't like how I know what you're thinking."

"You're not even a damn Mind Adept," she spat, the words spilling out of her mouth without her thinking. 

Leone winced. "Language, my dear." She looked away and the Delegate patted her shoulder. "You'll have to get used to it. I'm reading you because I care," she said, and smiled at her again, the crow's feet around her eyes crinkling up. She didn't look her in the eye.  You care? I'm not going to believe that. "Now, listen. For the time being, you will continue with Sol, but you will not spar with him or any other Delegate," she told her, and Leone’s face fell as she continued, "Please understand that we – the Delegates – are getting weaker and weaker, so we will not be able to spar with you four, who have gotten even stronger. Time is running out, and thus we will do our best, Amber. Trust us."

I won't, but at least they have an incentive now. "Okay," she conceded, but then hardened her voice, demanding, "How long more will I have to deal with this?"

"Give Janna and I two more weeks," Leone said. "We will figure out how to do it. With magic, the possibilities are infinite."

"Exactly," she argued. "If the possibilities are infinite, you can make it in an even shorter time, right? Two weeks is too long. I say one week, no more."

The Delegate looked at her, and Amber forced herself to meet her gaze with all the directness she could muster. She sighed finally. "Fine. We'll do it. Be ready next week, and give us as much help as you can during our training sessions, promise?"

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