Getting Ready for the Dance

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Austin's POV:

It was friday morning and the day before the dance. Everyone was talking about the dance and they were already setting up decorations for tomorrow night in the gym at school. I was getting excited. I get to dance with my girlfriend. It is still crazy to call her my girlfriend because she is so perfect and I didn't think she would say yes to me. 

We decided to not tell the fans yet since she got so much hate for just being on live that one time. She seems very happy though and seeing her makes me feel happy too. 

It was a normal day at school and Jessica walks up to me. 

Jessica: Hey you. 

She smiles at me as she sits in the desk right next to mine. 

Austin: What do you want Jessica? 

Jessica: I was going to tell this is your last chance to ask me to the dance. I am still free and I am pretty sure you still love me. 

She looks at me and smiles. I roll my eyes.

Austin: In case you haven't heard I am taking my girlfriend to the dance. I am in love with her and I will never ever take you back. You were so toxic to me and we are not good together. Go find someone that is a good fit with you and just leave me alone. 

Jessica was silent for a couple seconds and then the bell rang. Right before the teacher was about to say something, Jessica whispers under her breath but loud enough for me to hear. 

Jessica: You will be sorry you said that Austin. You will be sorry... 

(The next day) 

I wake up and I realize it is the day of the dance. I can't wait to see Hannah in a lovely dress. We are going to have the best night ever. I facetime Zack so he can help me out to look perfect for the night. 

I facetimed him after I went for a jog, ate breakfast, and took a shower. 

Austin: Hey Zack do you remember Jessica?

Zack: The girl you dated when you first moved to your school? I hated her. 

Austin: Yeah well yesterday I was sitting in class and she sat next to me. She told me it was my last chance to ask her to the dance because she is sure that I still like her which I don't.

Zack: What did you tell her? 

Austin: I told her that I am dating Hannah and that she should find someone else to be her date. Then she said something weird. She told me that I would be sorry for what I said. 

Zack: What do you think that means? 

Austin: I have no idea but I hope it doesn't mean she is going to do something to Hannah because I don't want Jessica anywhere near Hannah.

Zack: I'm sure Jessica was just trying to scare you. You have nothing to worry about. Now let's get you ready for the dance. 

I nod and get changed into my suit. I asked Zack if I should where a bow tie or just a regular tie and he laughed. I took that as I should where the regular tie. I started to get really nervous and Zack could sense it. 

Zack: Hey you will be fine. If you are worried about Jessica it will be ok. She is not going to do anything. Hannah will have so much fun with you. Trust me it will be one of the best nights of your life. 

Austin: Thank you Zack it means a lot. 

Hannah's POV:

I was starting to put on my beautiful emerald green dress. I start to get nervous and Kylie walks in on me and sees that I'm shaking. 

Kylie: Hey what's wrong?

Hannah: What if people make fun of me? What if there is a prettier girl and Austin will see her? What if I'm not good enough? 

Kylie: Trust me you are good enough. You are gorgeous and kind and he is obviously in love with you. 

I smile and I continue getting ready for the dance. Kylie did my make up and we put my hair half up and half down. We curled the ends of my hair and I will admit I looked pretty good. 

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