Let's go live

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Hannah's POV:

I am so nervous. Austin is coming over later today. I promised him last night that I would go live with him tonight. What if the fans hate me? I don't think I could stay being friends with the boys if they hated me. Maybe this was a bad idea.

I try to get my mind off of it by getting myself ready. I go take a shower and put on my favorite outfit. I wore high waisted light blue jeans with a tight black crop top. I wore my hair down and put on mascara. I don't wear a lot of makeup, I usually just wear mascara.

Kylie said I looked really good but I was not sure. Kylie is Tiki's sister. She told me that I look nice but I don't look like I am trying too hard. I think that was a good thing.

Two hours go by as Kylie, Tiki, and I were watching The Office on Netflix. I hear the doorbell ring. I run to the door and I open it up.

Hannah: Austin! Hey

Austin: Hey Hannah. Hi Tiki.

Tiki came up behind me and bro hugged Austin.

Austin: Hey since Tiki is here do you mind if he joins the live?

I shake my head. The more people the better. We go into Tiki's bedroom and we start to live.

Comments: "who is she?" "Is she dating one of the boys?" "How do the boys know her?"

Austin: Hey guys this is Hannah. She is Tiki's cousin and my best friend. She hangs with us all the time and I am glad she is part of our friend group. She is going to be hanging with us for a while.

Comments: "I wish I was her." "Is she going to take Austin away from us?" "I was supposed to marry Austin" "She's not even that pretty." "I hope she is not on every live. I like the boys when they are not with other girls."

I saw the comments and so I ran out of the room. I ran outside and sat on the front stairs. I started to cry. I knew the fans wouldn't like me. This was exactly what I was afraid of. 

(Again sorry for this being suuuuuper short but I will be writing a lot today and tomorrow so hopefully there will be better chapters soon! I love you all) 

Austin MaloneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ