Out of the Comfort Zone

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Austin POV:

(a couple weeks later)

So the dance is next weekend and I am so excited. I can't wait to have a fantastic night with Hannah. Her and I have been hanging out a lot and playing sports together and just having a good time. I think Tiki is easing up to us. He was not letting Hannah and I hangout alone but recently he has been letting us.

We go to the mall and the forest the most. We like going to the mall and trying on goofy outfits. We one time had a game where we had 10 minutes to find each other the most embarrassing outfit. She got me a pink tank top with black dress pants and told me to wear the sandals she brought me with socks. She made me come out of the dressing room and give her a fashion show. It was embarrassing but I loved doing it with her.

If we are not at the mall, we are in the forest. We like to frolf together and take walks together. Usually if there is no one at the playground we would fool around there and do different challenges. Sometimes we bring a soccer ball or a volleyball and pass it to each other.

One time we decided to take a walk in the forest at night with the boys. Aaron and Tiki were scared but Zack, Hannah, and I were all for it and kept going. When we came back to the car after exploring the police came and told us the park was closed. That didn't stop us though. We kept going to the park at night.

One time we went to the forest but Hannah and Aaron couldn't make it. We went on Tik Tok live and we were having so much fun. I saw that Hannah joined and I kept looking for her comments. I kept answering all her comments and some other people too but I answered every single one of Hannah's.

Some of the fans on live were catching on. They were noticing that I was only answering Hannah's comments. I answered a couple more of Hannah's and then I stopped because I have no idea if Hannah wants to be known by the fans. I know that when Tiki asks Hannah to be on the live with him she would always pass. When the live ended I decided to text Hannah.

Austin: Hey I know I was answering a lot of your comments in the live and some of the fans were noticing but I didn't want to say I knew you since you always turn down Tiki when he asks you to be in the live with him. So I figured I would ask you first if you want the fans to know that we know you.

She responded right away.

Hannah: I'm always scared that if the fans knew me that they would hate me and be mean to me since they all love you so much and there are so many girls that want you to date them and I don't want to make them jealous.

Austin: If they are mean to you then are they truly fans? If they actually loved us and supported us then they would not be mean to you. And if they are mean to you then I will defend you because you do not deserve the hate.

Hannah: Thank you and if you promise to defend me then I guess I can try to go live with you the next time you go live.

Austin: Awesome! I am planning on going live tomorrow if you want to join.

Hannah: I am free tomorrow.

Austin: Great I will come over at noon.

Hannah: Sounds great! 

Austin MaloneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang