Prologue One

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[A/N: The first chapters of this story will be about how Jennie and Chaeyoung fell in love. I think it's a really important segment to this storyline and it would be pretty hard to show how they did through flashbacks ect... so the first part will have taken place in 2014. The second part in 2020/2021. Thanks for reading!]

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Chapter One:

Love is such a weird thing, right? Like how a person can make the biggest advantage on your life and change you for the better. Even at one point – they will be your entire world. You would want to do everything in order to make them smile. That is love for you. It makes you do stuff you never thought or expected to do in the first place. Yet, it can go from riding on cloud nine and planning your future together to an abrupt stop which tears your world down to pieces. That person can dwell on your mind for the next years to come and the harsh reality of it is the fact that you can not do anything in order to help what has happened. Furthermore – the love that once carried you through life was now nothing but a blur in the past like it didn't even happen in the first place.

Jennie Kim was going to give Chaeyoung everything. She fell so in love with the cheerful girl that she was unsure if there was any escape. Her smile, her voice, her personality, and just everything in general. Jennie was sure on one thing – her love was nothing but sincere.

The two come from completely different family backgrounds. Jennie comes from an extremely rich family from the heart of South Korea. The girl was a worldwide Instagram model by the age of 17 and had the world at her fingertips. Chaeyoung came from an average family. They run a small family business in the city of Melbourne. Jennie had 0 ideas that the girl would turn her world upside down without even knowing of it.

That year that she became an exchange student in Australia changed everything for Jennie Kim.

Why did everything have to crumble down? To this day – she still thinks of how life could have turned out if everything didn't change.


"Jennie-yah," her mother called out to the brown-haired girl as they waited in the exclusive airport lounge for the youngster's flight. "You will do great in Australia, just view it as a way of exploring the world."

Truth be told – Jennie didn't want to study abroad. Abandoning her life in Korea once more to settle into another culture didn't sound as appetizing as she wanted it to. She'd spent five years in New Zealand when she was younger and had only returned back to Korea for a brief amount of time. Looking up at her mother and taking off her designer glasses, "One year, right?" she sighed.

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