ZelkPvP but Mega Needs a Big Fat Hug

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Aha I wrote another one. Again: This is inspired from Soul Seeking By Faded-Red. Go check out their book, it's fucking amazing.

Also I had a little writer's block and I found this:


I seriously didn't even know writing games existed, but it rlly helped. So yeah, enjoy what monstrosity I wrote.


Mega was generally a pretty reserved person. Really, he wasn't the type to start too much commotion based off of a stupid enemy that was so much lower than him. His rapier hung by his side and it dripped of blood, contradicting his past statement quite obviously in Zelk's opinion.

[Why are we doing this again?] Mega asked, annoyed by the amount of screaming around him. Zelk rolled his eyes.

"Dumbass, you said you wanted to move on with the plan did you not?" Crossing his arms across his chest, Mega regarded Zelk in the way a cat would it's owner: uninterested and bored.

[Yes, but is this really the only way to do it?] He whined, stabbing another goblin in the chest as it frantically scrambled around his feet. Its noises were pitiful and honestly, way more aggravating than he first thought. In the beginning of the encounter, Mega thought that Zelk wouldn't help him. The magic of the forest only worked whether certain rules were being followed; and as far as he knew, no rules were being violated now. So, you can imagine his surprise when Zelk jumped in front of him when a wooden spear flew straight for his eye. On the unscarred part of his face, mind you.

[U-um that was unnecessary?] He questioned cautiously. He'd never seen the deity do anything for anyone. Let alone that one fae that seems to despise him all the time. He was accurately and positively confused. Zelk, in front of him simply held out a hand in front of Mega's elegant stance and warned him under his breath.

"That spear was different than the rest." Mega looked at the item in the god's hand with interest. It looked simple enough. Wooden and polished, like any other would be. Splinters were poking out of the wax around it, but he deemed it as the result of being used.

[I don't sense a difference-] He started, and the fell short because a wave of pure intrusion crashed through him. Zelk was his anchor, they knew that. He knows it has something to do with the fact that the god was around him all the time, but he guesses he was just used to Zelk's presence. Now, though... Now it was different. Intrusive, threatening. Threatening to take him away from Zelk. The force of the aura almost forced him to his knees. That is, until the new presence faded, and all he could sense was Zelk. Zelk's scent, Zelk's aura, Zelk everything.

"Hey, I'm right here." He murmured; and Mega noticed that the spear had shattered into a million pieces and was burning. He gasped as he felt a pricing rage run through him. What was that? Why was he compelled to...save it? The feeling was battling his own self-conscious.

"Don't be ridiculous," it said bright as daylight. "Zelk's our anchor, we can't betray him."

And then the other voice... where was is coming from?

"Yes, do betray him, he's never done anything for you, why would he care about you? Let's be honest, he'd leave you to rot away if you weren't useful to him..." The voice droned on and on and Mega felt lost because there was so much happening. But he was angry. Angry at the voice. How dare it? He was not some bargaining chip. He was not to be treated like damn property. To be cOnViNcEd to "switch sides".

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