Mega gets drugged by a mother fucking fairy oh no how could this happen-

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This has been in my drafts since like- before my last ZelkPvP update so I was really unmotivated, but then I gathered my energy to finish writing it and here we are =.=

Credits to Faded-Red they are the greatest (like all my ZelkPvP content comes from their AU) and pls go look at their books they did this thing where they created a one shot book separately from Soul Seeking and it kinda died a little so pls go look it's very good yes- ok now continue.


Mega sighed and sank into the warm sheets of the giant tent. If you told him he'd be doing this a few weeks ago, he'd probably stab your face in and leave your body parts scattered for the vultures to feast upon. He sensed Zelk come to the edge of the pillow infested sea and raised his head weakly to see him. His bewildered expression was very amusing to process, but it felt like his mind was swimming in molasses. Too busy trying to clear out all the ick and clutter plaguing his brain.

"What's with all the pillows?" Zelk asked, gingerly stepping out onto the soft covering. Mega was about to ask him where the floor went but then he remembered that you couldn't see it at all; it was covered completely with blankets and fluff. He resolved to murmuring, too tired to raise his voice through his mind speaking technique.

[Some fairy popped in and charmed the fuck out of me. I killed it, but s'didn't stop the spell...] He trailed off, momentarily forgetting what he was doing because what the actual hell were those pink and yellow squares dancing around on the sides of his tent??

Zelk stared for a few minutes at the complete blissed out expression on the usually cold-faced fae. He wasn't about to assume, but then he caught sight of Mega's dilated pupils staring voids into him. Yeah, there was no excuse for those types of eyes. Zelk then put two and two together and promptly laughed so hard, he thought he wheezed out one of his lungs.

"Oh my- Oh my gods, MEGA!" The other snapped his gaze to him when guardian managed to yell his name.

"A-hah, are you- holy shit- are you high?!" A comically long pause filled the space before Mega hesitantly asked,

[No, I'm Mega, what the shit is a high? Also why are there yellow triangles spinning in the ceiling?] Zelk jerked his gaze to follow Mega's only to be met with the disappointing point of the tip of his tent.

"Yeah, you're definitely high. That charm must've been sort of drugging spell. You say you killed it?"

[Uh huh, it bled all over my stupid pillows. I kicked it out. It's a stupid fairy,] The last part was said more quietly. Almost to himself, although Zelk was pretty close to him anyway. He noticed the slightly slurred speech as well; how his 'S's in particular were pronounced a little more than how they should be. It worried him a little. Mega giggled and put his finger to his own lips.

[Shhh, don't tell it I said that,] Normally, Zelk would laugh his ass off but he was too busy staring because Mega was grinning widely now, and seeing Mega smile...he'd like to see it again; it was beautiful and adorable at the same time. Even his sharp teeth, usually menacing and shark-like were only harmlessly poking out of his mouth and when he tilted his head to the side, he could hardly believe that this is the same person that could mercilessly mass-murder an entire crowd.

Zelk debated whether or not to tell the fae that the fairy was- well, dead, so it's not like it could know. He decided against it, since only the gods know what high Mega would do with processing that information.

"Nah, you're good. I won't tell it," The light up in Mega's eyes was totally worth it.

[Our little secret,] He giggled again and flopped on his back bouncing a little on the soft floor. Zelk sighed and watched the expressions on the other shift at rapid paces.

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