Chapter 29: •Villians Again•

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Hitoshi and I were walking back from the cafe after almost stealing their cats. The only thing that kept me from taking one was when I remembered that the black cat that wandered into my house had disappeared. I don't want that to happen to any other kitties... Sometimes, I wonder where the pretty black cat went. Maybe back to it's owner? Maybe it didn't like me? I'll probably never find out so I'll leave it. Right now I need to focus on how to figure out my brother and friend's murder.

As we walked, I could feel the warmth of Hitoshi's hand interlock with mine. This made me blush. His hand in mine had me feeling some type of way. Maybe I like him. Maybe he's just a really close friend. I don't know.
I was snapped out of my thoughts as Hitoshi picked me up bridal style.

"Ah! What-" I stuttered,

"You were walking too slow," he chuckled and nuzzled my hoodie,

"Well I was thinking." I crossed my arms, "I could've kicked you in the face!"

"That's okay.. as long as you stay close to me..." he muffled,

I blushed, "Oh- o..okay-"
'Why am I stuttering wtf- I thought I was confident-'

Before we could get to Hitoshi's house, we were stopped by the sounds of screams echoing through an alleyway. I hopped out of his arms and sped off towards the screams. Usually I wouldn't run right into danger because that's hella stupid but I heard someone yell Iida's name.
'Maybe I'll get to be friends with him after this.. never really talked to Iida...' I thought as I activated my quirk to run faster.

"Y/N- don't come close!" Iida warned. I stopped in my tracks because Iida has never been so stern. I took this chance to process the situation... and it didn't look good. There was a villain levitating in front of him, Midoriya, Sero, Uraraka, and Bakugou. They had red laser beams coming out of them from every side of their body, making them look untouchable. They had clean, brushed to the side, dark purple hair and looked as if they were drunk. Their body was hella skinny though. Reminded me of a Minecraft skeleton.

"What's happening!?" I called,

"This villain injected a quirk enhancer right when the heroes were going to capture them!" Sero explained,

"Most of our classmates went to get help." Iida added.

I froze as a bright red light radiated towards my direction. 'Move... move!!! What are you doing!?' My body felt as if it had shut down, even with my best efforts I didn't move.
Me being me, I just shut my eyes closed and prepared for my end. That was until someone threw their whole weight on me and pushed me and themselves out of the way of the beams.

"Y/N! You should be more careful!" A voice that made my blood boil dared to tell me. Without even looking at him, I shoved him off.

"Don't ever touch me again, Borro." I stood and brushed myself off,

He gave me a look of disbelief before standing also, "I just saved your life damn it! Shouldn't you be a little nicer?"

"And you could've not cheated on me but look where we are now." I hissed,

"We don't have time for this. We need to get out of the way." Borro grabbed my hand and ran off to the side,

"I said don't touch...!" I began to yell until he shoved me behind a building, "Me-?"

A man made of midnight purple mist caught me and held me in a tight grip, making sure I wasn't able to run away, "Good job, Borro. Your friend was a great distraction." It spoke,

"With pleasure." Borro smirked and glanced at my horrified expression, "No hard feelings, N/N~ but I'm used to pretending around you."

Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes as the mist man and I faded into a portal that was created.

3rd Person POV

Kurogiri laid Y/N onto a mattress in the empty room they cleared for her. He noticed she was frozen in fear. It made his heart pang with guilt but if Shigaraki wanted her, he was going to get her.
'What does he even need her for? I wonder..' he thought and left the room, making sure the door's locked.
Iida, Bakugou, Sero, Midoriya, and Uraraka were highly confused when the villain suddenly disappeared. While they fended the villain off, they noticed the villain only defended themselves. It's as if he didn't even want to fight them.

"Something's wrong." Bakugou muttered, annoyed,

"What do you mean Kachaan?" Midoriya frowned, "Do you think the villain is hiding?"

"I don't think he was a villain. More of something to keep us busy." Iida rubbed his chin in thought, beginning to agree with Bakugou,

"Why would they want to keep us busy?" Uraraka tilted her head,

"Remember when they took Bakugou? What if they took someone else?" Iida said, hoping it wasn't true,

"But everyone went to get help! How would they take us if we're in groups?" Midoriya asked in paranoia,

"Tsk. You idiots ask too many questions. They probably took the half n half bastard. We haven't seen him after lightbulb went off with the purple crackhead dude." Bakugou retorted,

"Bakugou! Watch how you talk about your classmates! And Todoroki is too careful to be taken," Iida scolded Bakugou,

"Don't talk like that to me, four eyes! I know what I'm saying!"

Midoriya and Uraraka discusses who could have been taken as the two fought. They soon regrouped with their classmates to tell them the bad news.

"Todoroki was snatched by villains!?" Mina gasped,

"That's who we think was taken, at least." Iida corrected her,

"That can't be possible because we saw him walking to Y/N's house like 2 minutes ago-" Ojiro pointed out,

"Wait- WHERES Y/N-?!" Kaminari panicked,

"Isn't she with Shinsou?" Tsuyu croaked,

"Not anymore..." Jirou whispered as she pointed at Shinsou, who was currently sitting on a bench blaming himself for Y/N's disappearance.
A cloud of smoke bursted into the eyes of the 1-A students. They coughed and wheezed until it cleared up. Once they could see again, they realized Bakugou had blasted himself away. He had launched himself towards Shinsou and had held him by the collar of his shirt.

"Where the FUCK is my sunshine?"

procrastinating is a curse i swear
it could've been worse but im happy i got myself to write for y'all
we're sooooo close to 10k im so happy
you guys are awesome!!
comment people you would wanna end up with 👀
and make sure to stay safe
see ya✌️

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