Chapter 14: •Stay Alert•

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Iida carried Uraraka to the living room as the rest of us followed close behind. I was no longer paying attention to my surroundings as my focus was only on the note the intruder left for us.. for me.

'Isn't this what I heard while I was calling Shinsou? D...did he send this as a joke?... If so, it's not funny... I'll talk to him about it later...'
I sighed and blankly stared at the tv in deep thought. Iida and Midoriya were trying to wake Uraraka back up, Todoroki watched tv with me, and Tsuyu examined the situation. Soon, everyone in our class began to arrive one by one. First, the 'bakusquad', who were extremely loud as they entered; then the sweetboys which were Ojiro, Sato, Shoji, and Tokoyami; and then the rest of the class.

All the ruckus finally woke up Uraraka, which began the party,

"Okay guys!! What should we play first?!" She asked, loud enough for everyone to hear,

"Seven minutes in heaven!!" Mineta screeched excitedly,

"Spin the bottle!" Kaminari also screeched, but he winked at me as he did,

"Blow up the idiots." Bakugou slightly growled,

"Why don't we don't we do seven minutes in heaven?~ I'd love to get my chance with Y/N~" Shindo spoke. Everyone jolted, some activated their quirk in fright. I sighed in relief seeing it was just Shindo,

"Hey Shindo," I waved to him as a smile plastered onto my lips, "How...did you find us?"

"I was passing by and heard screaming so I decided to check it out," he shrugged and examined everyone,

"Well, you're a fucking creep so go away." Bakugou scolded, glaring at Shindou intensely,

"Want to join us?" Uraraka exclaimed excitedly; everyone besides me giving her a look,

"As much as I would love to, I can't. I don't want to crash a party that badly," he sighed, "Thank you for the offer!"

There was something in his eyes that told me the exact opposite. I knew Bakugou could see it to because he pointed it out,

"Stop with the fake 'I'm a thoughtful guy' shit and leave."

"Fake?" Shindo tilted his head and pouted, "Why would you assume that?"

"How come Uraraka just had an intruder invade her house a few moments ago, and this guy shows up?" Mina pointed out, "Pretty creepy if you ask me,"

Shindo huffed, "I was going to leave, jeez,"
He pivoted on his heel and began to go, "Bye, Y/N~"

I waved weakly and rubbed my arm, 'Could Shindo really have written that note?'

We continued with our party activities and finally settled on a game, spin the bottle. I could tell everyone was nervous to be the first to spin, especially Midoriya,

"I'll go first," I announced and headed towards the bottle in the middle, even I began to be nervous by what my outcome would be. I wrapped my fingers around the ice cold bottle and spun it; fingers were being crossed and eyes were closed,

"YES!" someone shouted and quickly cut themselves off once my eyes were starting to open. I traveled to who the bottle was pointing at,

"Oh, it's just Sero," I muttered and my cheeks felt they were getting hot. My classmates watched as I approched Sero with a relieving grin,
"Say, Y/N... am I about to be your first kiss?~" he cooed and smirked.
But he wasn't wrong. Sero was about to be my first kiss because Borro never botherd with that kind of stuff,

"I...I guess you are..." I flustered a bit. I could hear a growl of jealousy somewhere behind me but didn't mind it as Sero and I leaned into one another. He gently placed his hand on my hip and the other on my cheek while I moved both my and to his shoulders. We shared a soft yet passionate kiss, a kiss that lasted more than a second so Kaminari decided to break us up,

"Woah woah woah- no need for a makeout!" He whined. My face slowly turned pink and I tried covered it with my hands,

"Oh god... Im so sorry.." I muttered and returned to my spot embarassed. Sero was also avoiding eye contact with people while having a blushed face,

'His lips were soft and rough at the same time...' I thought dreamily in my head, 'Am I really falling for someone I kissed once for the purpose of a game???'

~Todoroki's POV~

After several turns, it was my turn to spin. It was weird when the moment Y/N and Sero shared a kiss, I felt slightly enraged.. wonder why that was.
I spun the bottle and awaited who I would share my first kiss with. I never really cared for kissing so I suppose this game is a waste of time. The bottle landed between Y/N and Tsuyu and my heart clenched,
'I get to share a kiss with Y/N?...'
Tsuyu didn't even cross my mind because I  was admiring the H/C-ette. Her hair gently swayed as she glanced up at me with tinted cheeks,

"Ooooh Todoroki's going to kiss Tsu!" Uraraka giggled obnoxiously. I glanced at her with confused eyes,

"Tsuyu hasn't kissed anyone so you have to kiss her," Kaminari stated almost mockingly. I glared at him for a moment before sighing. As I approached Tsuyu, she noticed my body was moving reluctantly,
"How about he kisses Y/N since he knows her better?" She chirped, "It will make him feel more comfortable,"
This caused me to smile at her and give Y/N a quick look, she smiled at me also,

"Fine, fine..." Kaminari grumbled,

"How come he's kissing Y/N while the rest of you have to kiss other people?" Bakugou growled like a rapid animal, "Seems pretty cowardly to me,"

"Says the person whose not even playing!" Y/N teased playfully,

"Listen I don't want my lips connected to anyone's crusty lips," He glared at her,

"How cowardlyyyyy~"

"Shut up!"

I listened carefully to their bickering, even if Y/N wasn't taking it seriously. The way she would joke and tease was adorable in my eyes, maybe it's because I hang out with her more than anyone else. One by one, everyone began to join in the arguement for fun...

Until the lights went out.

maybe some of you didnt care but still
I was just getting so lazy because thats just how I was feeling
putting schoolwork of to the side and my chores
I learned that from -UPSIDEDROWN-
Tysm for still reading this and supporting my book
See ya✌

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