Chapter 40: •The End•

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The sky slowly darkened and the clouds began huddling together. I let out a long, heavy sigh and hugged my knees against my chest. The detective allowed me to sit outside the station for a little while since I was completely panicked during the questioning. They were asking me things that I didn't even know about Karma or Sentako. On top of that, they weren't even good things.

'Breathe.' I reminded myself and slowed my breathing.

My own family hated me, despite all the kindness I had shown them, and died without ever being able to tell me why. 'So they always had a fake front up? Who knew my life would spiral downhill like this?'
I sighed again, gripping onto my knees harder as I recalled the stuff the detective told me. Sentako had me submitted into U.A. because both Minara and Borro were there. My suspicions were correct about him disliking me, but who knew it would be this bad.
'Is that what they were talking about that one time they were in the kitchen?' I stared up at the sky with tears pricking from the bottom of my eyelids, 'Karma? Snetako? Why?'

Suddenly, I felt a cold finger wipe my tears away gently. I quickly scooted backwards without warning and lifted my arm up to defend myself. My eyes widened in horror once I realized the person who did that was Midoriya.

"Y/N?" He frowned and kept his hands in front of him so I could see them, "What's wrong?"

"You're all crazy. That's what." I spat, "Stay away from me, Izuku."

"'re still calling me Izuku?" His eyes glowed with excitement, "Don't worry! I'll get us out of this and w-we'll both be okay."

I shook my head and slid backwards even more, "It's too late, Izu-... Midoriya."

He let out a breathy chuckle and kneeled in front of me, "It's never too late, Y/N. This is our chance. We'll have our happy ending."

"Our?" My heart began to race. I was absolutely frightened about what he could possibly mean by that. He stood up, changed his whole attitude, and smiled at All Might as he walked over. My first instinct was to stand up and hide behind him, but after thinking about it, what could he do if he's in that form. I decided to just open the door for them and hope for the best.

"Thanks, it's nice to see you again, Y/N." Midoriya faked a sad tone while walking into the building, "I hope everything turns out okay for our classmates..."

All Might looked impressed with how well Midoriya was holding his composure around me. It frustrated me that he didn't see him talking crazy and getting close to me. I shook my head and entered the station once more.


The detective decided that I would come back tomorrow for another round of questions since Midoriya vouched for me. I wasn't grateful at all, but it was better than rotting in jail for something I didn't do. My body shivered as I entered the outside again. 'Why is the weather getting so bad?' I thought as I sat on the step again. All Might told me that I was getting expelled from U.A. and would be living with a pro hero, so I should wait until the hero arrives. 'I can't take this anymore. I'll seriously end it all if it's someone's parent.'
It's as if bad luck was in the air; Endeavor called my name from inside a really nice car. I reluctantly got in without any question, sat at the end, and stared out the window. That was until I heard a second voice muttering to themselves.

"Go ahead, Shoto. It won't be long until another hero comes." Endeavor warned from the driver's seat and rolled up the window between the front and back seats. 'Rich people usually do that so they can't hear anything... Wait- SHOTO?'

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