Chapter 13: •Break In•

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My eyes fluttered opened the moment I heard the door open. Curious, I glanced over and spotted Sentako in a wheelchair, pushing himself into our home,

"Hey Sentako!" I greeted,

"Hey," he mumbled back. He seemed to be bothered by something. But before I could ask, my phone started to go off.

I answered it without looking at the contact, "Hello?"

"Y/N! When are you coming over to my sleepover??" Uraraka asked,

"Oh god! I forgot that was today! Hold on, I need to get ready!" I apologized to her quickly before starting to get ready. I remained on the phone with her as I did. We talked about what games we would do, what we would watch at the sleepover, and who was invited,

"Wait... Bakugou is coming?? But wHy?!" I yelped,

"I sent him the invitation, but its not certain he will come!"

"Oh okay..."

"Why? Do you liiiiiike him?" She sang on the other line teasingly,

"No! No I don't!" I covered my face in embarassment even though we were on the phone,


"Hey! How come we're only teasing me? Who do YOU like, huh? Not that I like Bakugou but still!"

Her end went silent for a moment, she was picking the right words to say, "Uh...uh well..I..." she stammered, obviously flustered,

"Well? You seem like you have one~" I cooed; I was close to being done preparing for the sleepover,

"Promise you won't tell...?" She mumbled,

"I promise!"

"It's Deku..."

This time, there was a short silence on my end of the line. I was gathering my thoughts before speaking again,

"Whose Deku-" I asked bluntly,

"That's Midoriya's hero name!"

"Why?? That sounds so slow- like an insult,"

"It's what Bakugou would call him in middle school before Midoriya looked at it in a prideful way..." she sighed dreamily, "It's really amazing of him to do if you think about it!"

I giggled, "You really do like him. Well... I'll see you later, I have to do something before I head out."

"Okay!! Bye Y/N!" She said excitedly and hung up. A smile plastered across my lips as I zipped up my backpack and made my way downstairs. I perked up when I heard Karma and Sentako talking in the kitchen. I don't usually eavesdrop but it sounded as if they were gossiping about me. I stood next to the kitchen entrance and stayed silent as I tuned in onto their conversation,

"Sentako.. it's okay.. you don't have to do this.." I heard Karma plead,

"You don't understand. It's all her fault! If she would've mind her own business... I bet you they both would've been okay!" Sentako growled,

"But nothing will be solved if you harm her! You'll just end up in a dead end-" she was cut off at the same moment I heard aggressive shuffling before the conversation resumed,

"Don't start with me. I don't care whose in my way. I'll kill them." He whispered angrily which made Karma gulp, "Besides, even though she's grown up..."

I could hear the smirk in his voice, "She still doesn't know a lot of things.~"

It took a minute before I heard a soft wince. My eyes enlarged and I immediatley knew it was time for me to skidaddle. I quietly scurried to the door and exited without any sound.

'What the hell what the hell what the hell?!'
My mind raced as I sprinted down the street, 'They must've forgot I was there or- or maybe he's talking about someone else.. Wait! Are they dating now- what were they doing?!'

A while later, I halted to a stop once I spotted the numbers of Uraraka's house. I approached her home and knocked, my mind still in a flurry of questions.

While panting, I waited for someone to answer. I needed a distraction as soon as possible. As if it was on que, Todoroki answered the door,

"Hello? Oh. Y/N, welcome." He nodded at me,

"Oh! H-hey Todoroki!" I stammered a bit. Todoroki and I have gotten kind of close ever since we hung out alone that one lunch period. I might've caught the feels.
He stepped off to the side and allowed me in. Midoriya, Iida, and Tsuyu were the only ones who arrived,

"So, Bakugou won't be here?" I asked, a hint of disappointment sprinkled in my voice,

"She invited Bakugou?" Tsuyu asked, raising one of her eyebrows,

"Yeah. I'm actually kind of sad he didn't come. It would've been fun to tease him," I giggled and sat by Iida,

"Uraraka is setting up some things for when everyone else arrives." Iida explained to me while fixing his glasses,

"Did she... invite everyone in our class or something?..." Midoriya asked as he stood up and took a seat next to me,

"I hope not. I prefer there be a few people." Todoroki implied while he squeezed right between me and Midoriya, splitting us apart,

"Me too, kero" Tsuyu agreed and turned her attention back to the tv.
'I didn't realize how poor Uraraka actually was... not to be rude but... how will she be able to fit the whole 1-A class into this tiny space?' I thought, placing my hand under my chin. I stayed silent for a while before asking an important question,

"Isn't it a school night?"

Everyone glanced at me, some looking at me as if they were concerned and others looking at me like I was slow,

"Y/N.. we have a day off tomorrow.. they've been saying this since Monday-" Midoriya sweatdropped,

"I advise you to listen more in class, Y/N! Then you would have such low grades." Iida scolded,

"My grades aren't baD! I have a C+! That's enough to get by in highschool right?" I argued,

"Barely." Todoroki sighed,

"WhAtEvEr! I'm gonna prove to you guys that my grades don't matter for when I make it to number one hero!" I stated in a joking matter which gained me a few laughs. I beamed at them and giggled a bit myself, "Anyway, what's taking Uraraka so long?"

"Maybe she's having trouble?" Midoriya asked, slightly worried,

"Let's go check on h-" Iida was cut off by Uraraka screaming. Everyone jolted out of their spots and hurried over to where Uraraka was. Once we made it, we found her on the floor, staring at the open window of the room as if a monster had just crawled out of it,

"What happened?!" I asked, rushing to her side,

"Th-there was a person w-with a knife a-and..." she began to explain until she fainted from fear,

"Damn it.." I mumbled, "Are they still out there?" I asked, shaking a bit,

"No, but they left a note." Todoroki approached the window carefully and grabbed the note,

"What does it say, kero?" Tsuyu asked as she cradled Uraraka. Todoroki pursed his lips in confusion before finally reading it,

"Do you love me?"

Ayyyy wassup guys
Heres another chapter for you all
Im excited to get writing tips from on of my favorite authors!
I feel like it will really help me
Thanks a lot for reading and I hope you guys have a wonderful day/night
See ya✌

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