Chapter 35: •Evidence•

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Tamaki's POV

Right after I got hung up on, I hurried back to my house. Do you understand how excited I was when he mentioned her name? So excited that I almost forgot to call the others. 'Y/N is more important! Maybe I should just.. not call them...'
I don't know why, but Uraraka worried me for more reasons than one. So, I ended up just texting them to meet me back at me house. Hopefully I'd be the first one there so I could hold Y/N.
"M..maybe.. I could l-lay her in my bed..." I whispered to myself. The thoughts and images I had after I said that were very.. unholy.
'GAH! Stop thinking like that! You can only do that when you marry her... because you will.' I told myself.

After a while, I arrived at my house. Shindo was just approaching the porch,

"H-hey!" I called,

He glanced over with an annoyed look, "Oh. Hey."

I quickly opened the door and ushered him in, "C..can I see her?"

His face turned into a grim expression as his grip tightened around her, "Why."

I gritted my teeth, "B..because I'm pretty sure your g..girlfriend wouldn't approve of this..."

"My girlf..." His eyes went wide, "I FORGOT ABOUT HER-"

"That's why I'm certain..." I carefully took Y/N out of his arms. Her body warmth and mine began to merge and it made me tingle with delight, "You can't be with her..."

Shindo gritted his teeth, obviously enraged that I easily took Y/N from her. This brought a smirk to my face, " should call her.."

"F*CK YOU!" He hollered and clenched his fists, "My love life is NONE of your business."

I stared at him as if he was an idiot. Does he not understand that having a girlfriend would give him close to no chance with Y/N? She's not the type to go after a taken man. He's an idiot that shouldn't be allowed anywhere near her.

'And I'll make sure of that.'

Uraraka's POV

'I hope these guys didn't actually expect me to go through with their plan.' I thought as I entered the police station, 'I got bigger fish to fry.'
The place reeked of regret and misery of villains in holding cells and quirkless police officers. I couldn't help but feel bad. 'Ah! Stay focused, Ochaco!' I thought as I slapped both sides of my cheeks, 'Get this over and done with!'
As I felt a burning sensation sting from my cheeks, I forced myself to approach the front desk. My body was shaking out of fear because of all the possibilities that could happen if I don't do this right. 'What if they kill me? What if they hurt Deku? What if EVERYTHING goes wrong?'

"Ma'am? Hello?" I heard a lady shout at me, "Are you going to just stand there?"

"Huh!? O..oh.. I'm so sorry.." I muttered, 'This is so embarrassing!...'

"It's fine. What do you need?" She pulled out a small notepad and shuffled around the desk to search for a pen,

"U...uhm..." I took a deep breath,  "I..I need to talk to some type of detective..."

"Reason?" She raised an eyebrow, already weary of me,

"Please.. I.. I want to talk about it with them..."

"Is it urgent and absolutely important?"

"O-of course! life could be in danger too!" I exclaimed, "Please!"

The lady stared at me for a quick moment. Probably checking if I was just some neglected troublemaker who wanted the attention I never received as a child. She sighed, "Name?"

"Actually.. can I be anonymous..? And can I request someone to talk to?"

"Listen kid, you gotta give me a name so I can search you up and make sure you're not wasting anyone's time."

"It's important!" I begged and forced myself to tear up, "Please!"

She stared at me for a moment before scribbling something down on the notepad and then picking up the phone irritatedly to get someone to come talk to me. When she was done, I was told to sit in a chair and wait.

Millions of thoughts and fears jammed into my mind as I took a seat. 'What if they don't believe me? What if they think I'm crazy and send me to some nuthouse? But I'm a hero in training so they wouldn't do that right? I have evidence, so they have no choice but to believe me anyway... Gosh this would've been so much easier if Deku was here to support me...' "Hey." 'Deku... What does he even see in Y/N? She's literally crazy, rude, and I'm pretty sure she kills cats. I don't understand how she has everyone fooled while it's like Tsu, Aki, and I are the only sane ones!' "Hey." 'I need to figure out how to help all of them before she hurts them all!'

"HEY!" someone bellowed which snapped me out of my thoughts, "What are you doing here, kid?"

"En...endeavor?" I gasped, "Wh-what are you doing here?"

"That's none of your concerns. Shouldn't you be at the dorms or something?"

'A pro hero?... Not only that but the number two...' I rubbed my chin and then smirked, careful for him not to see, "I... I have something to report..."

"How serious is it?" He tapped his foot, showing that he's growing impatient, "If you're getting teased, this isn't the place to report it."

"I..I have evidence for a murder.." I muttered in my best frightened voice, "a...and I think I know who did it..."

His expression didn't change at all, as if he could honestly care less. 'What kind of hero is this man?', "Did you touch it?" He asked,

" I put it in a plastic bag while using gloves.." I held out the plastic bag of empty medication, "This was the m..medication Karma and Sentako were forced to overdose on.."

He raised an eyebrow at me as he took the bag and inspected it, "How do you know this and where did you find this?"

"Y/N told me, of course, but... the worst part is..." I paused for dramatic effect and suspense, "It was in HER bag at the beach..."
I'm slightly annoyed how that was the information that made him have a reaction. 'Why does everyone think she's such a saint?'

"Well, I'll get this handled." He bluntly said and sauntered away from me like he's some kind of god. 'That's Todoroki's father? Huh...'

"Welp Y/N, hope you have fun rotting in jail.~"

i have no excuse for not updating this book but im not about to discontinue it !
i promised myself i would finish this so that's exactly what im about to do
sry for updating months at a time but apparently thats when my motivation really peaks
hope i can keep this up til the end !
also, i love your comments so much and they make me smile a lot
appreciate it !
see ya 🥳💞

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