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id like to thank all of u for all of the support, good wishes, and love you gave me!
there were times where i thought about discontinuing the book or just acting like i disappeared but i didnt want to do that to you guys! you brought me all this way so i had to finish what i started! 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞🥳🥳😞🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

throughout the book, my writing style kept changing consistently as i went through certain times in my life and sometimes i forgot what my story was even about
it was a struggle to come up with an ending i was satisfied with but i did it !

i wanted to make sure i included everything and closed off almost every mystery i left in chapters of the book.
please tell me if i did a bad job in any way so i can fix it!

again, i truly appreciate everything you guys did for my story to get to 60k+ reads ! it makes me so happy to know that there are people who actually enjoy my writing. i loved reading your comments (i read every single one) and seeing that you added my book to your reading lists.

you guys just make me go-

you guys just make me go-

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if the ending didn't make sense im so sorry i wanted to end it off with a bang so im gna explain it down below(just stop reading here if you dont want it explained to you!)

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if the ending didn't make sense im so sorry
i wanted to end it off with a bang so im gna explain it down below
(just stop reading here if you dont want it explained to you!)

basically after y/n got knocked out by todoroki (who was picked up by his father because he didn't think his son did anything wrong) and he got her into a wedding dress and reenacted a newly wedded couple while she was unconscious. he then proceeded to impregnate her, knowing that he wouldn't be able to be with her for long. his dad then drove them to the beach where todoroki tried to bury her in sand so that he could come for her later but couldnt finish since his dad had to take him back to the school.

after the big 3 found her (they were called in by a principal nezu to search for her since she was reported missing and cuz they had the day off from school), nejire was ready to take her to mirko's hero agency but was knocked out by a panicked mirio. tamaki immediately told him that they should try and take y/n to his place but there were cop cars in the way. mirio decided that they should head to the school so recovery girl could heal the bruise on nejire's head. they didn't know that there wasn't supposed to be any other students on campus but the 1-A students

kirishima saw them out the window when they reached the school and rushed out of the dorms despite present mic ordering him to come back. he grabbed y/n and nejire without thinking and ran into the school (hes a runner hes a track star but lord that would be a long run) and managed to get to the second floor before accidentally dropping y/n and falling down with nejire. he went into the classroom near them so that he could find some type of med kit

the students (who were crazy for y/n) at the dorms rushed out the moment they saw kirishima head into the school with y/n. a lot of them creating alliances on their way.

the teachers were ready to give chase but principal nezu told them to wait until more help came. once that happened, they rounded as many students as they could and then surrounded the area and played the waiting game. they figured that y/n would eventually die from the destruction the students were causing so that the students would stop fighting and give up when if that happened

the "sounds of a rock slamming against a wall" was mina using a shield, that momo made, to push kirishima back in attempt to get to y/n.

kaminari attacked sero when he they got into the school and injured him so badly that he has to use a wheel chair to move around. he also had personality disorder that got worse near the end

sero constantly tried to end himself in the ward to the point that they had to watch him 24/7

bakugou hit uraraka so hard that she now has the incapability to form sentences or thoughts correctly. he also fell into a deep depression

kirishima and momo were patients who were given special permissions because their goal was full of pure intent but not enough to where they can be freed

midoriya was aggressive to everyone and anyone while he was in the ward. he frequently had to be put to sleep so that they could feed or bathe him.

same with mina but she has to constantly where handcuffs and a muzzle with how aggressive she was

mirio and tamaki were caught by ectoplasm and were force to go to the ward also because shindo confessed to what they all did (thats another reason why uraraka was on the bus). they were all mostly quiet

tokoyami, shoji, aoyama, koda, tsuyu, sato, hagakure, ojiro, and jirou were all given a break from school so that they could recollect themselves. both jirou and ojiro got better from their conditions.

"her real friend" is nejire. nejire stuck with y/n after she was submitted into the hospital and stuck by her side since

monoma and borro were never found out for what they did and continued to live their lives without a care in the world

aki minara was never a largely important character, i jst needed someone who would cause problems for y/n

also y/n's father wasn't an important mystery either. i think i did that for you guys to raise suspicions at it

please tell me if i missed anything so i can clear it up!

☆ʳᵉᵐᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ☆  (yandere bnha x reader)Where stories live. Discover now