Chapter 39: •Downhill•

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3rd Person POV

Aizawa did a headcount of all the students in the room and wrote down which weren't there at the moment. He already knew that Hagakure was with Ojiro but noticed that Jirou wasn't present even after doing a recount a few more times.

"Does anyone know where Jirou is?" Aizawa asked out loud,

"No." All the students replied reluctantly. All but one...

"What about you, Kaminari? Do you know where she is?" Aizawa asked again, but more sternly this time,

"I..I'm not s-sure, Mr.Aizawa..." Kaminari avoided eye contact with his teacher. This made everyone suspicious of him and what he was hiding, especially since they noted that most of the students had problems.

"I'm going to send you to Recovery Girl and she can be the judge of that." Aizawa scribbled down on his clipboard,

"Okay..." Kaminari gripped his shirt. He was currently battling the other voice inside his head, and was losing. It was telling him that it was now time to go feral and bring everyone down with him. 'What if she's actually dead? They'll never let you see Y/N if they find out.
She's not dead! Sh..she's just knocked out. Besides, Y/N killed someone too!
You and I both know that's not true.'
"Stop it... stop talking to me..." Kaminari whimpered to himself.

Iida and Uraraka were on high alert while being around their classmates. They thought that exposing their obsession and Y/N would help everyone, but it only showed that they could go out of control any moment now. They both glanced at each other as they noticed Bakugou and Kirishima glaring at them from their window seats.

"What do we do, Iida? I'm scared..." Uraraka hid behind him a bit, "They're all in love with a killer."

"Are you 100 percent sure that it was Y/N?" Iida asked, beginning to doubt himself and Uraraka,

"H-huh? Iida? What are you talking about?"

"Maybe we've both been viewing things wrong. Maybe they all had crushes on Y/N but since we confirmed it as unhealthy obsessions, they're becoming more violent than usual." He adjusted his glasses, "We... are in the wrong."

"No! No, Iida! Don't think like that! Don't let them get to you." She tugged at his uniform, "You're stronger than this."

"Our classmate almost killed you because of what we did. You weren't strong enough to get her off of you."

Uraraka backed up and bumped into Tsuyu, "Ah- Tsu! You don't hate me too, right?"

Tsuyu walked right past her and to Midoriya, who seemed like he wanted to announce something to everyone in the room. Uraraka tilted her head as she watched Tsuyu encourage Midoriya to say what he wanted to say. After a few moments, he finally stood up.

"Y/N didn't kill them." He stated simply,

"Midoriya, please sit down. We already know why you want to defend her." Principal Nezu sighed,

"No. It's not because I love her. It's because we found the medication that killed them in Kacchan's house. I don't know how anyone else, especially Ochaco, got their hands on it besides us."

Bakugo immediately jumped up to defend himself but All Might placed a hand on his shoulder to silence him. The whole room fixated onto Bakugo with shock and surprise.

"Since Ochaco- actually, Uraraka, was the one who reported Y/N, I'm guessing she's framing her. I think she and Kacchan killed Y/N's friends."

"Bakubro wouldn't do something like that! Right, bro?" Kirishima tried to defend Bakugo but he was shut down by All Might also.

"Midoriya. Why did you even go into Bakugo's house in the first place? He didn't even live with his family at that time." Todoroki asked calmly,

"How do you know when they snuck into his house?" Sero questioned angrily,

"I was looking for Y/N when we were at the beach and saw them run away from a house. But if you want to butt into things you aren't meant to speak on..." Todoroki stood up, "We can talk about how you kissed Y/N when she obviously didn't want it."

"Hey!" Aizawa shouted at them, "We're straying off the important point."

"IS THIS TRUE, YOUNG BAKUGO?" All Might asked Bakugo carefully, knowing the answer wouldn't be good,

"So what?" Bakugo muttered under his breath, his body beginning to tremble in amusement, "I killed that annoying b*tch. So what?"

"You do realize that is a serious crime to admit to, right?" Nezu sighed, "Who was your accomplice?"

"That brainwashing freak." Bakugo began to chuckle, "F*ck it! I'm going to rain h*ll on all of you. Especially you, Deku. I still think you should've dove off of the roof of the building."

Midoriya just glared at Bakugo in response, "Then how did Uraraka know about the medication?"

"I don't f*cking know. She probably followed you guys or something." He scoffed,

"Shinsou and Bakugo, huh?" Ectoplasm muttered and glanced at Aizawa,

"It seems so." Aizawa pursed his lips, "Well, we're going to-"

"I was going to kill Kaminari." Sero suddenly admitted, "And I was going to ask Kirishima to help me."

After that confession, everyone in the room paused to look at each other. Then began revealing the things they were going to do for Y/N and how they were going to do it. So many people were speaking at the same time that the teachers couldn't pinpoint who was saying what. Present Mic found it horrifying that all of that were in the minds of their 1-A students.

"I can proudly admit that I was never going to kill anyone for her. I just wanted to care for her." Yaoyorozu frowned, "You guys did all of this and for what purpose? She'll hate us all once she finds out."

"It's not like she can do anything. You guys won't see her again." Mineta shrugged,

"SHUT UP, MINETA!" All the students stated in unison,

"Some of you aren't even going to be here." Aizawa lowered his clipboard in disappointment, "I expected more from you guys."

"I think we should contact the authorities now. I know I told you to hold back on that, but it's a better time than ever." Principal Nezu said as he crossed his arms.

Tokoyami, Aoyama, Koda, Sato, and Shoji were very concerned for their classmates and about what would happen to them. They couldn't deny the fact that it was better for them to get help but felt terrible that they didn't notice their problems before.

Midnight approached the teachers after checking Jirou's dorm. She had told them that she called the paramedics to come and help her since the Recovery Girl was occupied.

A phone began ringing, it was obviously All Might's phone, "HELLO?" He answered.
The room waited in anticipation for the next words to come out of his mouth.

"I'LL BRING YOUNG MIDORIYA OVER RIGHT AWAY." He started letting out heavy coughs as his body returned to its original form, "Thank you."

"Who was it?" Midoriya tilted his head,

"We're heading to the police station for your questioning."

Midoriya nodded and kept his excitement to himself. He knew well that the questioning was for the murders Y/N was being accused of and also knew that she might be there.

'Don't worry, Y/N. I have a plan that will end in our happily ever after.'

i truly appreciate the support
the end it really close and i think i have a good idea on how to end it
hopefully u guys dont hate me for it lol
stay safe guys
see ya🧃💞

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