Chapter 4: •Cafe Disaster•

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The bell rung and I dipped out of the classroom.
"Is he here- is he here- is he here-" I mumbled to myself as I slid down the stairs all the was to 1-C. I could hear the faint sound of Uraraka's voice echoing through the halls as she called my name.

"I'll meet you outside in 10 minutes!" I assured and scanned the 1-C area, 'There he is!'

I approached the man I was searching for and tapped his shoulder, "Excuse me-"
He turned to me and my heart seemed to flutter the same way that it did when I encountered 'Todoroki Shoto'.

But this guy only had one asset that was the same as Todoroki, "H-handsome..." I mumbled, the purple haired male's lips curved into a smirked, "Oh? Thank you. What did you need?"
What did I need... what did I need? I came down here looking for a guy who had messier hair than Midoriya along with purple hair, dark lines under his eyes, and he's from 1-C. All because of a dream I had when I dozed off in class... 'now what do I do now? If I say I saw him in a dream and that I came looking for him, he's going to take that as me being weird-'

"Hello? Is anyone there? I have to go home soon yknow." He huffs impatiently,

"Ah! Erm Im sorry, youre the.. wrong person.." I mumbled quietly,

"That took you a long time to realize that but alright, see you later," he turns to leave,

"Wait! What's your name?" I yelp, not wanting to leave things on an awkward turf,

"Shinsou Hitoshi." He nods at me,

"Im L/N Y/N, but I prefer people call me Y/N,"

"Ill keep that in mind, L/N." He smirks and then leaves the area. I watch him leave with a playful expression on my face, 'Im not even angry that he called me L/N... I think it was cute he tried to tease me like that..' The second I was about to leave also, my phone started going off. I flinched and slide my phone out of my pocket, the contact was '💖Uracutie💖'. I accepted the call,

"Y/N where are you?! Everyone is at the cafe already!" Uraraka exclaimed at the other end of the phone,

"Oh- right! Sorry, I'll be there in a second." I apologized and hung up. The school was not as filled with students as before so it was easier to sprint out the doors and onto the sidewalk. "This feels like being late in middle school..." I grumbled,
"I know right!" A voice said beside me, it sounded like the person had an stuffy nose and was a child. Kind of strange. I stopped running and looked around, "Hello??"

"Hey~" it cooed,

"What- where are you god dammit."

"Down here!"

I peered down and I stared reconsidering my life choices, this male was about 3 feet tall, purple hair that contained large grapes, and g r i m y hands.
"ITS A RAT-" I screeched and bolted away as fast as I could, of course the rat followed me. I arrived at the cafe which Uraraka was outside of, the second she saw who was behind me she opened the doors. Me being the extra person I am, somersaulted through and Uraraka quickly pushed the door shut. The rat slammed into the door with a loud thud.

"Don't be creepy, Mineta!" She scolds and enters the cafe,

Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Midoriya were by my side and asking what was the matter,

"I saw a three foot rat- and I know its hard to believe but it had grapes on it's head-" I explained while out of breath,

"Are- are you talking about Mineta?" Sero chuckles a bit,

"You guys named a rat? And you let it loose??" I fumed,

"No, no! He's not a rat, he's our classmate, Y/N." Midoriya explains,

"He's very perverted and unmanly," Kirishima huffs,
"but he's Kaminari's friend."

I gasped, "So Kaminari's perverted to?"

"Pretty much," Sero shrugged,

"Hey!" Kaminari yelped, "I am not perverted,"

"Yes you are,"

"No I'm not,"



I soon felt unamused with the arguement as it reminded be of Sentako and Karma and walked over to the girls' table, "Hey!"

"Oh! Hey Y/N!" Mina smiled, "We were waiting for you,"

"Yeah, sorry about that, I met Mineta for the first time."

"I feel bad for you, kero" Tsuyu sighs as her frog-like tongue swayed gently,

"I feel bad for me-" I huffed and plopped in a chair next to Yaoyurozu, "I legit thought he was a rat."

Everyone at the table giggled and started sharing their encounters with Mineta. I listened while being digusted with every story. I noticed that Uraraka had left the table to hang out with a different group. A group that included Midoriya, Iida, and... Todoroki.

My mind was screaming, Go talk to him if you think he's so hot, but my body was against the idea. I was a sitting duck while just staring at the group. Well, up until Midoriya noticed me and called me over. 'Oh no they saw me sfsfslkllk' I snapped out of my trance and reluctantly walked over,
"Hey guys,"

"Y/N, you seem out of it," he tilts his head concerningly. 'God what a cutie.'

"Yeah, I'm fine! I'm just watching people from a far,"
I semi-lied,

"Oh, well want me to buy you some coffee?.." he asks nervously,

"Awe! Midoriya! That would be great, thank youuu," I hugged him tightly, it was adorable how he stammered and flustered as I embraced him. He justs nodded in the end and skittered over to the barista. I had a chat with Iida and Uraraka as I waited, glancing at Todoroki every once in a while.

A bit later, I spotted Midoriya coming back with my coffee,
"Thank you so-" A swift figure interuppted me when it collided into Midoriya.

"WATCH IT CLUMSY ASS NERD!" Bakugou exclaimed, but his anger worsened when he realized there was coffee splattered on both of their shirts.

"S-sorry, Kaachan," Midoriya whimpered,

"You're really going to get it.." Bakugou growled and raised his hand, balling it into a fist. I don't know what the hell I was thinking but I hurried in front of Midoriya and closed my eyes.

The last thing I witnessed was Midoriya holding me while speaking inaudiably low and Bakugou examining me with a soften and concerned expression, still looking aggrivated. His knuckle dripped from blood...
My blood? My classmates started gathering around me, blocking Bakugou from my view.
My vision faded out and accepted the darkness. Everything went silent. Complete silence.

Woooo 60+ reads!
Never thought I would actually get reads in the first place!
Thanks so much guys, even if you are just my friends irl
It means a lot to me anywayy
I know this isnt the sequence it would be in the anime but yknow Im tryna make an original kinda story
Tips would be a big help
Thanks again guys 💖😎
See ya✌

☆ʳᵉᵐᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ☆  (yandere bnha x reader)Where stories live. Discover now