Chapter 17: •Jealousy Begins•

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~Third Person POV~

Y/N pulled away from Kamanari immediately after he stated that, "Wh-what do you mean by that...?" She asked, obviously frightened.
"What did you say to her, dunce face?!" Bakugou slammed his fists on the table and shot up from his seat angrily,
Everyone at the table flinched at the sudden outburst from Bakugou. It wasn't unusual, but it wasn't about himself he was screaming for.

"All I did was ask for a date on Saturday," Kaminari quickly lied, then glanced at the h/c female,
"O-oh.." Y/N facepalmmed, "Sorry.. I've been hearing a lot of weird stuff lately and I jump to conclusions.."
Bakugou slowly sat back down while glaring at the two, Kirishima did the same but without making it noticable.
"Oh my godddd!" Mina squealed, "You and Kaminari on a dateeee?"
"Mina stoppppp-" Y/N whined, "I have to decline anyway.."
This didn't remove the dark expression on Sero's face though. He had heard what Kaminari's whispered into Y/N's ear and was having none of it. 'Did he just lie to Y/N?'

"Hah!" Bakugou mocked, "I wouldn't expect anything less than dunce face getting rejected."
"Cmon Bakubro, the guy tried," Kirishima sighed, "Can't you be a little nice about it?"
"It's Bakugou. What do you expect?" Mina and Y/N both stated with blank faces,
"Wh...why do you need to decline?..." Kaminari asked with sad puppy dog eyes.

'AuGh- my WeaKneSs!' Y/N placed a hand over her chest and gripped her shirt, "I want to have plans with Shinsou... sorry Pikachu.."

"Whose Shinsou?" The rest of the table members asked her,
"A guy I met. I wanted to get to know him more," Y/N's cheeks tinted a bit, "He's... kinda cute.." she muttered,
"Oooooooh~ I see you N/N~" Mina cooed, "Get yourself that man!"
"Is he trustable?" Bakugou asked bluntly,
"Would she hang out with him if he wasn't?" Kirishima glanced at Bakugou with the same hint of jealousy he had,

"Don't worry about it Katsuki, it's fine," The girl reassured him.
Everyone at the table, except Bakugou, gasped.

"You're on first name terms with Bakugou??!!" Mina exclaims, "And he isn't screaming at you??"
Bakugou's cheeks had a light dust of blush as he answered for Y/N, "So? What's the problem?"
"Nothing man, it's just.. you don't really let anyone call you by that.." Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck, "Just a little strange.."
"Y'know what- I'm just gonna go eat lunch with someone else," Y/N stood up with her tray with a flustered face, "I've had enough embarassment for today.."

The others tried to convince Y/N to stay but she eventually left to go sit with Shinsou. This infuriated the four boys, but they couldn't show it. Bakugou just scoffed.
"Awe cmon guys look what you did!" Mina whined,
"It's your fault for embarassing her, pink freak." Bakugou growled at her and focused on his lunch,
"Hey, don't be so mean to her! It's unmanly bro," Kirishima huffed,
"Yeah, let's just talk about something else," Sero stated as he took his glare off of Kaminari, who was watching Y/N happily chat with Shinsou. The sight of this angered Kaminari more than the other guys, possibly even more than Bakugou.
'How could she want plans with that guy?? He looks like a drug addict. And he doesn't look safe! How fucking dare he go and be near Y/N??'
Sero's thoughts were more towards Kaminari than anyone else. 'He lied. He lied to Y/N. He disrespected her. He doesn't deserve her. I can't forgive him.'

~Shinsou POV~

She sat by me, telling me that she's sorry for not talking to me. It was adorable. We talked about how our lives had been. She told me about her best friend being sent to the hospital after her brother did. How she doesn't know what's going on....

What a sweet little thing.

I pulled her into a hug, reassuring her everything will be alright. She hugged back, thanking me for the comfort then pulled away. We ate in peace for a few moments until she asked me about a call she made. The one where she asked me, her new best friend, about coming over when she was alone. She said a man was asking 'Do you love me?' as our call cut off. I knew nothing about this, of course.

"Who do you think hacked into the call?" I asked,
"I don't know but it brought my anxiety up.." She muttered cutely,
"Don't worry, Y/N," I patted her head, "You're safe as long as I'm here."
Her hair was soft and comfortable as my fingers made contact with it.

It was so perfect.

"Even when you're changing," I winked, reminding her of the time she changed infront of me.

Her body was so perfect.

"Ah! Shinsou stoOOOOoooop!" Y/N whined and squirmed like a little kitten, "Oh, that reminds me."
"What happened to the little black cat we found?"
"Maybe it actually had an owner and it's collar fell off."
"Oh alright.. unlikely but I guess?.." she sighed and continued eating her lunch.

I lied to her about the cat.. I found it dead when I was searching around her house for intruders. I had to keep Y/N from being sad so I buried it. It hurt. That probably means I'm not crazy.

"Why did you move from your original table?" I asked, obviously glad she moved,
"Because they were teasing me about kissing one of my friends..." she blushed slightly. I paused.
"Kissing?... Who did you kiss? Why did you kiss them?"
"I was at a slumber party.. they lied to me and said we didn't have school today just so I would stay.. it was fun until the lights went out. And then my night got worse when Karma got sent to the hospital.." she explained, seeming unnerved by something,
"Ah...Again, I'm sorry about that Y/N..." I sighed and glanced at my phone, "Lunch is almost over..."

She didn't tell me who she kissed.

"Awe man.. it was fun talking to you again Shinsou! Anything to say before I offically leave you be until after school?" She looked at me with a bright smile, the prettiest smile to ever be shown to this cruel world.

She didn't tell me why she kissed them.

I nodded and stood with my tray, my back facing her as I began to walk away,

"Don't go kissing anymore unworthy boys."

AHHHH im so proud of myself guysssss
im actually writing this book
and it only took the near by apocolypse to encourage me
hope yall actually like this book
make sure to recommened anything i could do better
oooh and thanks for adding this book to your reading lists
okay thats all
see ya✌💖

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