Chapter 19 - Torn

Start from the beginning

“That’s where you’re wrong sweetie,” she said, looking back at me once again. “Why do you think he spent the night with me while he was on tour? The pictures don’t lie.”

“He always talked about how much a bitch you were. I shouldn’t be surprised. But you have absolutely no right to be standing in my boyfriend’s hospital room right now. You lost your chance two years ago. Now, get. Out,” I said pointedly, seething at the end of each word. I pointed a shaky finger at the door behind me, but she didn’t budge an inch.

“Cooper, why aren’t you doing anything?! You know how badly she’s treated him!” I shouted, probably alarming the few nurses at their station just only a few feet from the room I was in.

He sighed heavily, rubbing his temple with hard fingers. “It’s not like I can call security. She hasn’t done anything wrong.”

“Hmm,” she hummed happily, sending me another trademark smirk.

“You have got to be kidding me right now!” I yelled once again, throwing up my arms in pure disgust and frustration. I wasn’t going to let this tramp stand in this room with my baby’s father, acting like they still had something. If Jagger ever woke up and saw her standing there, he’d be just as angry as I am right now.

“Ella, please lower your voice. My boyfriend needs to have some peace and quiet,” she whispered.

My eyes widened in pure shock. This bitch has got to be kidding at this point. Either that or she was clearly delusional. After she cheated on Jagger two years ago, he’d broken up with her and hadn’t talked to her since the night at the bar. And even then, Caley had practically tried to take him hostage while he was heavily intoxicated. He wouldn’t want her at the foot of his bed, spewing crazy thoughts on the love she clearly had lost, not regained. If he ever knew she even step foot in this room, I knew he would freak out just like I am right now. Why wasn’t anyone trying to stop this?

“Cooper,” I whispered, shocked at what was happening before me. He couldn’t let this happen right now. Hell, he was even the one who rescued Jag from her those months ago while they were on tour. Why was he letting her be in this room?

Then we were stunned into silence as we heard a muffled groan. My eyes immediately fell to Jag on the bed. All of the fighting and the hate were halted as I watched him open his eyes, straining for a moment. My hand flew to my chest as my breathing hitched, and I dropped the bag in my hand while the tears quickly pooled at the rims of my eyes. I momentarily forgot that Caley was only a few feet away from us, and the Cooper was holding onto his hand.

All I could focus on…was him.

“What’s…” he went to say, his voice strained from being down for so long. He went to sit up, but winced as he realized that he’d sprained his arm in the crash. When he looked at his arm to pinpoint the hurt, his eyes widened as he took in all of the scars and dried blood sporadically placed on his limbs.

“Jag,” I breathed, my voice long gone as I heard him speak and move for the first time in weeks. The boy who had my heart was finally back again. I rushed over to his side, pushing Caley out of the way as I went to the opposite side of the bed that Cooper was sat. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” I choked out, clasping his hand with mine.

“Who…What…” he went to ask, but was at a lose for words. He looked around him quickly, taking in everything and everyone around him. At last, they landed on me, but then back to Caley once again.

“Babe?” he questioned, looking at Caley with wide eyes.

My heart had collapsed into a million pieces at the pit of my stomach then. He hadn’t said a word to me, not even recognized who I was. The one he clearly remembered was her…the one who broke his heart those years ago. I silently let my hand drop from his, noticing how he barely registered the touch to begin with. His attention was solely focused on the five foot five, undeniably beautiful, model at the foot of his bed, who smiled back at him with a look of accomplishment in her eyes.

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