Chapter 11

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Sitting on the grass with Cam during lunch is different now. He's way more touchy and affectionate which I thought was only going to be our little secret. Apparently not. Vince seems oblivious to Cam's public display of affection. He lays on the grass talking to Cam about how he hopes to get into San Francisco State University. I also learned he's into painting as well. It's what bonded the three of them in art class in sixth grade.

Cam wraps his arm around my shoulder, kissing my temple, and kicks Vince's legs with his feet when he makes a gagging sound. Penelope and Austin join us a little later and she seems a little fidgety sitting next to him.

Penelope meets my eyes, "I need your help with something. Can you come with me?"

"Right now?" Cam speaks up before I do.

She briefly looks at him before meeting my eyes and they're big. I notice how she tugs on the hem of her baggy shirt.

"Yes. Right now."

Austin takes her hand, "I can help you, Penny."

I stand and answer before she has to answer Austin, "Yeah. I'll help. Come on."

I see relief all over her face as she stands too now. Cam pulls my hand making me bend down to be face to face with him. He pecks my lips softly and I'm about to tell him I'll see him after school but his phone lights up in his lap and I see Zoey's name pop up on his screen.

I stand all the way up and his eyes have hardened. I'm not sure how to take that. I don't know if he's upset with realizing this is all fake or at Zoey for interrupting. One thing runs through my mind like crazy though... I wonder if all the time he spends on his phone is to talk and text with her.

I turn to Penelope and Austin stands to kiss her. I have to stop for a moment because even though when we all hang out at his house and they do this openly she doesn't let him do this at school.

Smiling shyly at him she tells him, "I'll see you later?"

Grinning down at her, he nods. "Yeah, you will."

We walk over to the side of the school when she finally releases a big breath out. She leads us all the way in the library and we sit all the way in the back on the floor in between two bookcases.

"I'm assuming we came here to talk." I nudge her shoulder with mine.

She nods and smiles softly at me, "So you know Luca from Intro to Business?" I nod because I've met him before when Luca and Penelope had to do a research paper together. He's the total opposite of Austin and what you consider a "nerd". "Well, Austin got super jealous when he saw me laughing at something Luca said as we walked out of class together. He thought the reason I didn't want to be official yet was because I didn't like the way he looked."

Frowning. I ask, "Why don't you want to be official with him?"

Running her fingers through her lavender-colored hair, she takes a deep breath, "Well first, there's the pressure of not knowing if I'm being a good girlfriend because I've never had to be one. Second, it's not about how Austin looks. He's freaking hot. Thirdly, I'm just scared, Liv. He makes me feel comfortable and happy. Deep down under all that bad boy swagger is a guy who I can relate to. We have a lot of things in common than I would have ever guessed and it excites me. I'm scared that one day he'll find me such a bore and not his type and leave. What kind of person hands their heart over so easily?"

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