Chapter 18

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Cam throws his head back laughing and I can't help, but find myself laughing with him. His laugh is so contagious and I'm obsessed with the sound of it. I love seeing him happy. Especially with only a pair of shorts on.

Apparently, he thought throwing me in the water was funny and I really couldn't be mad at him so instead, I raced after him and push him in.

Vince has started a bonfire behind the house and Austin and Natalie brought beer while Penelope brought snacks and stuff to make hot dogs. Nash is sitting on the sand next to Carla and they seem to be deep in conversation.

Cam takes my hand and smiles, "C'mon let's go eat some hot dogs."

We near the bonfire and sit around it while Vince prepares us our hot dogs. Cam gets three beers and hands one to Vince before handing me one. The hot dogs are a little on the burnt side, but I'm not going to complain because all we ate on the boardwalk was a bunch of sugar and snacks.

Once done, Cam pulls me to him so I can sit in front of him, between his legs. With two beers in, I'm feeling a little braver and lean my head back on his chest as we look out to the water.

"My parents use to bring us out to the beach a lot when we were kids." His voice sounds lost and distant.

I take his hand in mine and squeeze, "Good memories?"

Taking a deep breath before he answers me, he says, "Yeah. I don't resent the beach. I always like to come back and just remember."

Biting my lip, I'm not sure if I should ask, but then figure he can just say he's not comfortable talking about it and I won't press.

"Where's your dad now?"

I feel him tense a little, so I squeeze his hand again, "He always takes his work very seriously, it's what caused my parents their divorce. He's a lawyer in Denver now, with his own firm. Which is a good thing because he left my mom the house." He's quiet for a moment as he caresses his thumb on my knuckles as it rests on my belly and lightly presses me closer, "He sends my mom money, but he doesn't really call to check in on us. He'll stop by for visits once in a while, send us expensive gifts, but..." He takes a deep breath before taking a big gulp of his beer before he continues, "I don't really care if he calls or checks in on us anymore. But I know it's taking a toll on Nash, so it pisses me off how he can just blow him off."

Not really sure what to say, I say the only true thing, "You're doing a really good job looking after him. You're obviously not a parent, but I bet you're a great help to your mom. For instance, she doesn't have to worry about him getting in any trouble tonight because you brought him with you."

"Thank you." Kissing my temple, he squeezes me in a hug. Maybe I'm just not a good kisser and he's done trying to practice with me, "You're the best friend I could ever ask for."

I'm being friend-zoned... Not just a regular friend zone... BEST FRIEND ZONED.

Is this why he hasn't been kissing me? So maybe it isn't that I'm a bad kisser. He realized I'm better as his friend? I tense as I remember Vince telling me about his first girlfriend and how they were better off friends. My stomach dips and I cover my throat with my hand, willing the lump to go away.

"I thought Austin and Vince were your best friends," I say to make light of the situation.

"You're added on to the list." I sense his smile and I'm suddenly glad he's hugging me from behind so he can't see my face, "They're my favorite people to hang out with. But with you, I get to tell you things and you're also one of my favorite people. You've got them beat. You're my favorite best friend."

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