Chapter 20

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"To pick up a guy, whom we aren't even sure is in that remote Farm house, five people are going" Amanda said as a matter of fact while keeping a bag with essentials in the SUV.

Joshua chuckled at her remark and hopped on to the Driver's seat.

"Hey, I'll drive" Noah suggested hesitantly to which Joshua although looked at him curiously for few seconds, but didn't protest and got down to let him sit.

"I mean, do we also take tasers with us?" Amanda asked jokingly, "You know, if James resist too much, we can tase him and bring him back unconscious?'

This time Noah glared at his sister to shut up and got inside the car without any further word.

"Just saying" Amanda shrugged giving up and was walking towards the front seat of the car when Rosalie walked in hurriedly, cutting her midway to sit besides Noah.

"Sorry, hon, you can snuggle up at the back" Rosalie chirped in a fake smile while getting inside.

"God! Give me patience!" Amanda sighed irritatingly looking at the sky. Sucking in and out a deep breath she smiled at me, "Come on, Iliana, let's get there before nightfall"

Joshua, Amanda and I sat on the back seat while Noah started off, keeping Rosalie on his side.

"So, Iliana, tell us something about you, like did you grow up in New York? And like where did you graduate from?" Amanda asked as soon as we hit the road. I knew what she was doing!

"Umm.. I.." I looked up at Noah as he looked up to the front mirror of the car. My eyes followed and I stopped when I saw he was looking at me from the mirror.
Few awkward silences and I looked back at Amanda.

"Amy.." Noah called her out at which she rolled her eyes and whispered to me,
"Isn't he irritating?"

I smiled and looked at the mirror again. Yes, he looked up to see me once more.

"Why do you think James left so suddenly?" I asked softly only directed to Amanda as she offered me a bag full of potato chips.

She shrugged, "No clue, it isn't like him at all"

"He isn't himself for the last couple of weeks though" Joshua chimed in from her side taking few chips for himself, "I tried asking him if it was the marriage, but he wouldn't say"

"Well, as much I have seen Julia, she seems devoted to him and the wedding"

"Mostly the wedding" Amanda looked at me and giggled like a child. It was refreshing to see her care-free for a change and not so gloomy like she has been for the past two days.

"How are Julia and James? Like normally as a couple?" I asked looking at both Amanda and Joshua.

"I wasn't here, hardly met Julia twice before this wedding thing" She shrugged.

"She is.. nice" Joshua said after thinking about it a few seconds, "Fact is, James hadn't brought her around so often, so haven't got to know her so well"

I went on talking to them for the rest of the ride which somehow made me feel good, I was having fun with them for a change, I don't remember when I last had fun.

Occasionally when I looked up to the mirror Noah would look back at me from there and then quickly look away as if caught red-handed.

The car finally stopped three hours later at a remote, desserted road which had a small uphill path going in the mild forest ahead.

"Do we have to walk all the way up?" Rosalie asked with fear in her voice.

"Yes darling, the garage is down here, we have to walk up to the actual farm if we need warmth" Amanda said with her fake sweet tone, "Unless you would want to stay back here in the car, which is absolutely fine by me" The last part she whispered very softly.

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