Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"What happened to you last night?" Lora asked as soon as I entered my office the next morning.

"What do you mean?" I walked past her to my own desk.

"You were missing for half of the evening. Everyone was looking for you.." Lora looked up from her file with a frown, "Derek too.."

"Really?" I asked with half of the enthusiasm I should have shown. Because on the table lay a red rose and a card. I looked back at Lora, silently questioning her with my eyes. She seemed to have guessed it.

"I don't know who kept it there. It was there before I came. Maybe your secret admirer or some psycho.. oh wait, they might actually be the same person..." I rolled my eyes as she smirked at me, "What's written in the card?"

I fake-glared at her, "I thought you knew..."

She looked at me for few seconds, "I swear I didn't mean to, but I couldn't resist.." She gave me a guilty smile, "But I was right, it seems like he's a psycho to me.."

To the angel in white
who completely mesmerized me at the party last evening..
I have been in love with you since the day I met you..
This is first of many roses yet to be received by you,
and when this day ends, I would like to hear your answer too..
Have a great morning..

-Your admirer

What rubbish!! I exactly knew who would do this.. Angel in white? Come on, he couldn't be more obvious than that.

"So, you know the guy?" Lora asked from behind.

"No.. Not a clue.." I dumped the rose into the dustbin and went back to my desk. This was so typical of Noah. He would always do this kind of things. Bouquets of flowers, boxes of imported chocolates, and all other things with which one could spoil their girlfriends- he did each one of those for me.

I avoided Noah for the rest of the day as much as possible. Many times he tried to talk to me, but I just gave some excuse and ran away. Like really, why can't that guy leave me alone!

But it was short-lived.

"Enough, Ana..." He grabbed my arm and pulled me inside his Office, "We need to talk"

"No we don't.." I freed myself as soon as he shut the door.

"What happened last night.." Noah started saying, but I cut him off.

"What happened was a mistake. You are my Boss and I'm just an employee, that's the only thing that matters.." I could see his jaw clench on hearing this.

"Ana, what we had last night meant something.. It was like before, like..."

"It always means something to you, doesn't it?" I mocked looking at him, "Always you want it to mean something when it simply is just a kiss.. Like last night, like that first night, it always means something to you.."

"Yes it does" Noah yelled angrily, "It did all those years back, and it did last night.. At least I don't pretend to hide my true feelings. I don't shut out people when they mean something to me.."

"That's it.. I am leaving.." I had no intention of listening to Noah's accusations anymore, "And stop sending me those stupid roses and cards.."

"What cards?"

"The one with those cheesy 'Angel in white' lines... here.." I handed him the card.

Love, Trust & Revenge (IKMP Series #4)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz