3rd person view

Cars pulled up at the spot where both gangs were suppose to meet,Max,Adam,Jax and Caleb stepped out of the car they were in, and met Emma,Ava,Ethan and John, Ethan broke a smile,"looks like you're missing someone" Ethan laughed, Max also broke a smile,"see that with your glasses did you? I'm going to shatter them in your eyeballs, ugly Velma looking ass" Max said with a glare after the question, "Now where is he?" Max asked in a serious tone.

They all begun to laugh and chuckle, Max rolled his eyes raised his hands and snapped his fingers, soon people started running out of the cars, Tenton was by his side in seconds,Vicky was there beside Adam and the rest of the gang were behind the six of them, "give me, my boyfriend" Max demanded, Avan smiled raised her hands and clapped them, then their gang were behind of them and two men were beside Ava, "now you see that building over there" Emma pointed to the worn out ware house, "that's where he is,BUT that's where we will fight to the death to keep him,all six of us,you Jax,Caleb,Adam, and these two, John,Ethan,Ava, our two and I" Emma said calmly,Max took out his gun and pointed it at Emma which made his gang members and Emma's gang members put up their guns.

"what's stopping me from dying your obviously faked curled blonde hair red with your brain?" Max asked with one eye closed "ok first off, my hair is naturally,fucking, perfectly curled" she screamed "OH BULLSHIT" Max mocked "second off you'll need us to see him so..." She said trailing off, she honestly didn't know what she was doing, no one on Emma's side knows exactly what they are doing, Max had a feeling that they had no idea what they were doing, but he wanted to see what would happen "lead the way" Max said they started walking, Jax turned to his gang members, "when we are off the court, kill" he said, then walked off hand in hand with Caleb.

When they got inside Jax and Caleb started shooting upwards in different directions, five bodies fell to the floor, "wow, you guys are assholes" Max said with a bored expression, the the six who were half way on the other side of the ware house, putting good amount of distance between them, "now lets get this over with," Max said, pulling out a gun, "wait wait wait" Ethan said with hands in front of him, Max rolles his eyes, and shot Ethan in the leg, Emma,Ava,John and the other two pulled out their guns, while Max and his friends were distracted with the people in front of them, it was too late when they realized someone was behind of them.

The person grabbed Jax by the throat with gun to his head, and walked slowly to Emma and Ethan's side,"Oliver" Max breathed out.

"Oliver has been on our side for a long time, and the reason is these pills, they keep Oliver in control" Emma said showing the pills,"that way you can be with me, and me alone" Oliver said lovingly, "no,no, Oliver come back we can work this out,and I can't leave my family and gang members to go to them.I thought we were fine, come back we can work this out" Max said taking a step forward before, John shot at the ground, Max glared at the hipster looking bitch.

"I know you won't do that, that's why we" he said gesturing to himself and the people behind him"are going to kill them, starting with Jax" Oliver said pushing the gun to Jax's head, Caleb was fuming with rage, Vicky and Tenton just wanted to protect Max and Adam, Adam couldn't believe his own brother will kill Jaxcb, his own bestfriend, "wait wait what if I went with you guys,and leave them behind?" Max asked stepping forward, "you let them go I'll come with you"  Max said getting a bit closer to Jax,"what about the clients you stole from us?" Ava asked pointing her gun at Max, "we'll deal with that you can have them back" Max said holding on to Oliver's hand putting the hand he held the gun with down at his side, Jax ran back next to Caleb, Jax wanted to cry into the arms of his beloved but there was no time for that.

Adam, Vicky,Tenton and Caleb waited for Maxto make his move, Max hugged Oliver snuggling into his chest, before making them both fall the floor "NOW" Max yelled, Tenton was the first to start shooting at the enemies,everyone else followed, John was shooting back,had Ethan in his arms and dragging him behind a big metal cube that covered them, Emma and Ava ran behind the big metal cube opposite of Ethan and John with the two males they were with.

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