thirty one

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Tenton and I pulled up to HQ and got out and I saw Aiden getting out of a car,did he just get here, "AIDEN" I yelled out his name in anger, he stood up like a deer in headlights, he turned around with a nervous face,"hey sexy" he said, I walked up to him, realizing that this was probably Oliver "Oliver I don't want to talk to you now, let me talk to Aiden" I said obviously mad at him "why not just talk to me?" He asked stupidly "where were you just now, where are you coming from?" I asked feeling really hurt right about now, "baby you just have to trust me, when I say,I will tell you eventually" he said placing a palm on my face, "are you at least safe?" I asked him softly, "um....yes" he lied.

"Did you just lie to me?" I asked raising a brow at him "no" he lied again "you lied again" I said stepping away from him,"ok I'm not COMPLETELY safe but I'm ok-" "fuck you" I said cutting him off, I pulled out the injector, he put his hand up in front of him as a form of defence, "Max put that away" He yelled, "come on Max is that nessesary?" Tenton asked, I forgot he was still here, "yes" I charged at Aiden and he blocked all my attacks, I slid under his legs and jumped on his back, he flipped me over his head, but I landed on my feet, we were a few feet away from each other,he walked towards me with his hand out telling me to give it to him, I held out the injector, to hand it over.


When I got it close enough I injected it into his arm,he grunted and fell to one knee, I looked down at him, and got down to his level,"you are mine,my property shouldn't get damaged unless I am the one to damaged it" I said in his ear before I pulled back, and looked into my boyfriend's droopy eyes, as they close.

I sat in the chair, in the chair playing with my knife, when I heard groaning and chain rattling, I looked at my boyfriend who is confused, "hi babe" I said to him annoyed, "Max, its me, Aiden" he said struggling "I know, Aiden or Oliver I'm not letting you out of this room" I said continuing playing with my knife, he started laughing, "what's so funny?" I asked chuckling"when we started this relationship I always thought I was the overprotective psychopath, but you took the cake didn't you" he said laughing, "because I love you, and Oliver won't tell me where he goes at night, and you don't know either, which means he could be doing anything" I said standing up and walking to his bed,unlocking the chains, the chains fell to the floor, and Aiden sat up, I sat in his lap straddling him.

"Listen to me, and listen to me good, I love you,I will do ANYTHING for you, if I have to break your legs to keep you from dying" I spoke wrapping my arms around his neck, sitting comfortable in his lap, "then so help me,I will break every fucking bone in your body" I whispered over his lips, "Max its me", I pulled back a bit, "Oliver?" I asked "hi babe" he said smiling, "tell me,where do you go?" I demanded,"not yet" he replied back,I pushed down on the bed.

"alright" was all I said before I tried to get of of him, but he grabbed my arm,making me stay on his lap,he sat up and his face was so close to mine, we stayed like that for a while, before he cupped my face with both his hands,he brought his lips to mine and kissed me gently,no tongue,just his lips moving slow and smoothly with mine,he pulled away from me and rested his forehead on mine, I tilted my head and crashed my lips on his, the kiss started a bit rough, and got heated,Oliver ran his hands up and down my body under my shirt,he took of my shirt and threw it somehwere,he griped my hips, and started kissing my chest,my shoulder,my neck.

I stopped him and kissed his lips, my hand found their way to his pants taking them off a long with his underwear, with help from him,I grapped his his cock stroking it up and down, he groaned into the kiss, I positioned myself to kneel between his legs on the bed, I started kissing his neck trailing hickies as I went down, I reached his hard rock dick, I looked up at him seductively, the lust in his eyes, telling me that he was ready, I looked at his cock and licked my lips, I liked his dick. I Got off the bed and put on my shirt.

I turned around and saw him shocked, "yeah, you really thought we were going to have sex, when I am this mad at you, babe your hilarious" I said turning around and walked towards the door, I was grabbed by the shoulder and slammed against the door,and now was face to face with Oliver.

"Will-will you come back?" He asked, I'm not in the mood to be nice to him right now,"when I leave here, don't try to leave, because, if you do,I have men outside ready to shoot you, they won't kill you, but you may have holes in your legs" I told him seriously, he wrapped his hands around my waist,"Oliver" I said his name softly "Max".

I used my hand and opened the door, escaping from his grasp,"see you tomorrow" I said before leaving the room, passing the men outside the room with guns.

"Max, we're ready" Jax said turning around,and walking down the hall,  we reached the conference room where we held announcements. When I walked everyone from the gang was there, I stood on the stage with, Adam and Jax beside me. Ok lets do this, I looked at everyone who was in the auditorium,"listen up, as most of of you know,we are going to war soon,our enemy goal is to kill everyone one who belongs here, now we have less than two months to prepare for this,our enemies may be a tad dumb,but do not underestimate them,our goal is to either make peace with them,make peace with what's left of them,or wipe.them.out"I explained to everyone, some looked ready, some looked worried, some looked proud, "any questions?" Most started to look around, everyone looked at me and no one said anything,"good, go train,or rest,we have a long month a head of us,I want to double security, our rival might be dirty,meeting over,thank you for listening" I said and everyobody left.

"Good job Max,you took contol" Adam said patting my shoulder, "you'll be a great leader son" my dad said standing by one if the three doors, "thanks"

Today is Sean Berdy birthday🎊🎉💖🎊🎉💖 (Sam from "The Society") its on Netflix go watch

This story is coming to end,there is like one filler written so far, which gets really cute and sexy soooo....

I didn't want the book to be this long man,sorry
this book will end yeah

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