thirty three

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I can't believe this, I can but, oh my gosh, EVERYONE KNEW.

After going through Aiden's phone I found Emma's number, so I quickly called the bitch, "hello" she answered with amusement "give me back my boyfriend or I'll cut you and your brother open, switch your organs, dye your hair black, and feed you to lemon sharks" I said seriously,I heard her teeth rattling and when it stopped I heard a gulp, she should be scared  "if we don't?" She asked obviously scared,"I can take him back forcefully, and do the whole thing about feeding you to sharks,god you're so dumb,meet at the same spot we met last time,we are doing this tomorrow and I don't give a fuck about your plans,hope you and your gang. DIES" I said hanging up.

I stormed off to my room ready for that closet wall to taste my fist but before I could burst through my bedroom door I was stopped by someone grabbing my hand,I pulled my hand away from whoever grabbed me, I turned around and not surprisingly Tenton was there.

"What?" I groweld at him, "I know you're mad-" "MAD,mad? mAd, mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad. MAD? MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND IS OUT THERE WITH.... PSYCHO TIWNS,THEIR STUPID LOVERS,A VERY STUPID UNPROFESSIONAL GANG,WHO SPECIALIZES IN TECHNOLOGY AND DRUGS,WHICH HAPPENS TO BE OUR RIVAL,WE DON'T KNOW IF HE'S A RAT, OR BEEN KIDNAPPED,AND I SAT HERE FOR FIVE DAYS THINKING HE LEFT ME.MY GANG MEMBERS AND FAMILY KNEW ABOUT THIS AND NO ONE SAID JACK FUCK TO ME," I finished,I took a deep breath, "mad, angry,whatever.No words can describe how I am feeling right now" he was about to speak when I cut him off again,"you knew. You knew about it,and you followed me everyday for five days,and said nothing about Aiden to me," I walked in to my room leaving him out there,I didn't feel like punching my wall, I felt like going to sleep.

3rd person view

"As some of you know, Max has moved up the battle to tomorrow, as some of you know, our allies from the East will arrive here shortly or are already here, as some of you know we will treat them as if they were apart of us, as some of you know we will fight together" Adam explained standing on the stage speaking to everyone.

"Any questions?" Adam asked, no one had any questions to ask,"don't forget to wear something red to indicate that you are apart of this gang, the rival will be wearing green,dismissed" Adam said and the people walked out of the room, Adam fell on his knees gasping for air, Jax ran over to him, "hey hey, you did good you were good" Jax said rubbing Adam's back softly, Adam looked up at Jax with shock and tears in his eyes "I-I was? I said "as some of you know" a bunch of times" Adam said rambling while gasping for air Jax broke a little smile and said with a chuckle "yeah you did" Adam sighed and chuckled still trying to catch his breath, breathing in and out slowly, "thats a bit too close for my liking" Caleb said standing behind them, Jax stood up and huffed, "he was having a hard time breathing, I was just trying to help him" Jax said helping Adam off the floor, Caleb pulled Jax into his arms and glared at Adam,"This.mine, you touch, you die" Caleb said to Adam before dragging Jax away with him, Adam stood on the stage dumbfounded.

"he's quite possessive isn't he?" Adam heard the question asked from behind him, he looked behind of him, and saw a girl brunette hair and blonde highlights,she was adorable shevstood about 5'7 and had beautiful green eyes, and the cutest dimples Adam has ever seen, Adam blushed realizing he was staring,"um yeah he is I guess, Jax was just helping me that's all" Adam replied looking down of the stage where she stood, "I'm Malia" she said climbing up the stage, when she was face to face with Adam,she had her hand out to Adam for him to shake, "Adam" he replied shaking her hand smiling,Malia started to blush at how sexy his hand feels in hers and his smile could cause a tsunami in her panties, she quickly released his hand and began to speak, "um I wanted to see what you guys are made of, so you free for some sparring?" She asked feeling a bit out of place, Adam smirked, and started to take off his jacket leaving him in a white T-shirt that shows off his muscles and beautiful chest, Malia gulped and started taking out her earrings,tied her hair in a ponytail,and stood in a fighting position, Adam smirked and did the same, "show me what you got."


"What do you mean tomorrow?" Ava asked frustrated, "we mean tomorrow,Ethan go start the meeting and let everyone know,and check up on  the drug" Emma instructed, Ethan and his boyfriend left the room"what are we going to do?" Emma asked turning to the person in the room other than her girlfriend, "we take them on,separated from the gang, Adam, Jax,Caleb and Max, we'll take them on, we'll get Max to our side," the man said "what if they bring others?" Emma asked "we'll bring five of our own in the building and ambush them,let them bring two others thats all" he said walking into the light,"this is stupid" Ava said "can't we use Aiden to our advantage before we kill him off?" Ava asked rolling her eyes, "I'm mot sure,and about the spy we have in the West side? Emma asked "he'll keep us up to date with whats going on with them" Ava answered "what was his name again?"Emma asked playing with a curl in her hair, "William" Ava answered, Emma smiled and snapped her fingers

The male in the room rolled his eyes "We can use Aiden, if all goes to shit bring out Aiden, their guards will drop and boom, we kill 'em, except for Max of course." The man said, "what if they take Aiden before, yeah? Max did it before, what's stopping him from doing it again?"Ava asked in a frustrated tone,"Whatever happens, Max will be mine and you guys will have new test subjects for your drugs,now excuse me" the man said walking away.

"I don't like him" Ava said hugging Emma, "he's the best thing we have now" Emma said hugging back, "off all the inside spies we could've planted you decided that Oliver was the best choice,he didn't even do much, we had to go and save him" Ava said annoyed, Emma smiled at her girlfriend, and listened to her complain and rambled as they walked out of the room.

Sigh it's ending soon huh💔

Ha sad😭😁😁😂😂😂😂


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