Chapter sixteen- Good Byes part 3

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"You what?" I asked my voice began breaking a bit, Adam eyes widen as he reached his hands out to and stepped forward, "B-Baby please hear me out" he said almost touching me "ok yeah I'm listening," he sighed in relief "It wasn't intentional, I was feeling horny I went out got drunk and I just- I woke up in a dude's bed" Oh I get it

"Max, are you ok" Jax asked pulling me into him woah I didn't even know I was crying "I'm sorry, I just-" I wiped my tears and walked towards him, but pushed passed him and went to Aiden I pulled him by his neck and hugged him he wrapped his arms around waist tightly we let go and he kissed me...again

Note HE kissed ME, I kissed back.

We pulled away, "I'll miss you" I said

"I'll miss you too" he said pecking me on the lips getting into the car and leaving, me for a long ass time, I turned around and Jax is smiling brightly and Adam looked heart broken I walked up to him gripped the collar of his jacket, leaned in to him and said "Me and you...we're over" I said putting my middle finger up and walking away with Jax laughing and walking behind of me.

When we reached inside we both plopped down somewhere and sighed "I'm exhausted" we both said at the same time, we sat up and looked at each other in shock, "why are you exhausted?" we both asked at the same time again.

"Stop saying everything that im saying" we said again 

"Shut up" and again

"NO YOU SHUT UP" and again

"Ok lets both shut up" we said again

"You talk I shut up" again 

"Ok You shut up and I talk" again 

I decided to tackle him but he had the same idea and we hit our heads together "OWWW" we said in union.

We started laughing together "I missed this" he spoke up "I miss this too...come on lets watch Netflix there's this new movie called "Tall Girl" I heard it's amazing" I said happy to be here with my brother, "I'll make the popcorn and the meat dish, then we can start watching,Demon Slayer I heard its amazing" Jax said getting up "then we can braid each other's hair and paint our nails and talk about boys-" "no" he cut me off smiling, "fine" I said rolling my eyes at him playfully "Max are we gonna just forget we have school"
"Yup" I replied searching for the movie, "Awesome."

"HA I KNEW IT YOU OWE ME SIXTY DOLLARS" I said jumping up and down for joy "THAT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE I thought she'd date that dude" Jax said counting his money "what pssshh no it was obvious she was gonna end up with that dude" I said taking the money.

The door suddenly rang Jax said he was going to get it, he got up to open the door,I watched his every move, he opened the door and his face had hurt and fear all over it, he turned around and ran upstairs, I went to see who was at the door and lets just say I kinda punched him in the face "Why are you HERE!" I yelled at him.

"Uggh nice to see you to Max still short as ever" he said holding his jaw "Wow you got jokes Caleb, YOU GOT JOKES,and i am averaged height" He smiled at me charmingly before he hugged me "I missed you" truth be told I missed him too, I missed when all of us together, it was me and Jax alone then we met Adam who introduced us to Aiden and then we met this boy sitting all alone one day and we asked him to play with us from then on it was the five of us.

 Then Adam got shipped off at thirteen years old and Caleb ran off to who knows where, he broke the hug and I'm now looking at him seeing how he's change over time, Caleb is 6'1 has really black hair that covers his forehead, green eyes, caramel skin and is well built he's built like Jax but more manly so not really too big he's like I don't know.

"Jax loved you, you know" I spoke softly but loud enough for him to hear "I know" he said in the same voice as mine, "then why did you leave?" I asked looking him in the eyes, "Because I loved him too" he said with a crack in voice I looked at him for answers and he said "I loved him too, and I couldn't be with him I- I couldn't be with him or anyone, because back then I was so messed up, I didn't want to hurt him again or anyone, after I left him that night I told my mom and dad what happened and what I did to him, they said it'll be better if I went and got help, and thats what I did, if I saw him, I wouldn't be able to leave" he said standing outside.

"Come inside" I lead him to the couch and we sat down "you guys had a romantic past then you left" I asked and he looked at me in shock "he didn't tell you everything did he did he?" He asked and shook my head no,he took a deep breath in and look at his hands in his laps he began stuttering "I-I it-it um I-" "It started out with him beating me up for what reason I been trying to find out why for the past years" Jax said standing in front of us looking staring at Caleb with a soft expression "Hey Jax" Caleb said his voice cracking at bit, my brother with a blank stare, and soft voice replied "Hey."

My Brother's Best FriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora