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This chapter isn't that important its just Tenton and Max hanging out,I advise u to read it,but if u don't want too you wont be missing anything major.


9,10, 11,12

23,24 25



Max pov

"He wouldn't tell me, he's all like 'now isn't the right time' when will be the right time?" I whined to Ten, we stopped at an ice cream shop and we are outside on the bench eating ice cream, "like come on, he can tell me anything,he knows this" I said then taking and lick of my Cookies and cream ice cream, "what if its a surprise?" Ten asked calmly enjoying his mango ice cream "I hate surprises I haven't gotten a surprise in eight years," I said pouting "what if, he's just going out for air, the night can be really peaceful depends on where you go" Tenton said with tears in his eyes.

"Ten why are you crying?" I asked looking at his face he was trying to cover up,"the Mango Ice cream is so good" he said sniffing "awww you're a big soft aren't you?" I said teasing "did you cry during the note book and Titanic?"I asked "they died together, hashtag orange juice, AND THERE WASN'T ROOM FOR TWO, if Jack got on the door would've sunk or thw both of them freez to death, either way, itbwas sad" he said crying a bit more, adorable, "are you cancer?" I asked laughing "how did you know?" He said licking his Ice cream"lucky guess" I said biting an Oreo thats in my Ice cream "lets go to a peacfull place, I know a great spot" Ten said,fully recovered from crying, "I could use a break" I said taking a bite of cone, "lets go" he said walking to the car, I got on the passenger seat and him in the drivers seat.

We pulled up to a beach, "why are we at the beach?" I asked, as he got out of the car, so I got out, and followed him,he took out his phone and put on the flash light "see that trail?" He asked shining the light in the direction,I nodded "lets go hiking" he said smiling "its like ten pm" I said walking next to him "sooo?" He asked looking at me with a smirk, I blushed a little  "nothing" was all I said before we passed a big tree with white paint splattered on it.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked him twirling a flower I found, "sure ask away" he said gawking at the trail of trees up a head, I think he's in love with nature, "if you hate me why be nice to me, unless you are going to kill me?"I asked him, he stopped which made me stop,he turned to me "Max, I don't hate you, never have, I found you very annoying, and very bossy, and very weird, I hated how you would make weird references I never get, but I don't hate you" after he said all of that,I smiled and placed the flower in his hair,he blushed and began walking, I walked with him.

"Tell me about yourself, I know nothing about you, like your last name, where are you from, how old are you, how did you end up in the gang?" I said stepping over a log,"um ok, my last name is Timberland," he said with embarrassment in his voice, I couldn't help but laugh "Tenton Timberland, T.T" I said laughing gasping for air "oh no no no nooo" I said laughing more "shut up" he said embarrassed"I am from New york, my mom is from the DR, and my other mom is from New York," he said taking a left turn, "you have two moms, cool" I said giggling "yeah, they are the coolest, my moms, adopted me when my father abonon me," he said smiling "you don't seem sad" I said out loud, for no reason, I'm in that special area of dumbasses.

"Because now I have two great moms, and a great job, one of my moms got really sick, and one night when your parents were in for  business I tried stealing from them, I told them about how expensive the treatments were, and they paid for her treatments, even now,so I joined the gang as a way to pay them back and thank them, I visit my parents every chance I get,I haven't seen them in three months, mostly because we are at war and I don't need them in danger" he explained, he's such a softy.

"How old are you?"I aksed him looking at his confused face,but then it lit up,"LOOK IT'S HERE" he yelled running to a wall in middle of a small patch of land,the wall was about 6ft tall, and just as wide, he started climbing it and sat at the top,was he always this childish? "COME UP HERE, AND LOOK" he yelled, which made me feel weird because it was echoing, I follwed and climbed the very weird wall, I sat on it like a horse my body facing Ten, "ok look there" he said pointing to his left, I looked across and it was so beautiful, the lights of the city lit up was honestly breath taking,"if you squint you eyes a bit, and kinda tilt your head up a bit, then tilt your head to the right, the shape of an octopus will appear," I squinted my eyes did the head thingy, "yeah... I don't see it"I said honestly looking at him, "ah, ok c'mere" he held my face, and started to put my head into the position gently, "now squint" he said excited, I squinted my eyes, and to my surprise the octopus was there,"how do you even know about this?" I asked looking back at him smiling, "we aren't done" he said pointing to the sea which was pitch black,"what am I looking at?" I asked confused,"wait for it" he said so excited, I looked and the water started to light up a neon blue color,my eyes felt relaxed,I was a bit sad when it went back to black, "awesome right?" Tenton huffed out with a smile, "yeah,how did you find this place?"I asked "I was looking for a place to train and a friend brought me here" he answered happily, "how old are you?"I asked again "nineteen" he answered"see wasn't so hard,lets get back before my parents send out a search team" I said getting off of the wall, I looked back at Tenton still sitting on the wall,and he had his head the position to see the octopus, I smiled at him, he's so weird and different.

Hallo book coming to end...soon...dun dun dunnnnnnn .

HAPPY PRIDE MONTH BTW🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈💖💞
There is something i saw going around about people attacking the LGBTQ community like going into people private chats and talking shit,they are a bunch of assholes who have nothing to do,if you face these people, tell them to fuck off,and send the rainbow flag, better yet spam them with that rainbow shit😂😂😂the block them...Happy pride month,and thank you to the staright people who supports us,u are needed in the world thank you so much.

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