twenty eight

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Max pov

Its been a month since we started working in the gang, Jax has gotten quite annoying, my father is being an ass constantly, Adam has been distant and only works from the inside, Aiden and Oliver get along greatthey leave notes to each other, and I'm in a relationship with them both, but Oliver has been acting weird, or maybe Aiden, they sneak out at night, I haven't asked them what they've been up to because I should trust them right?

"I'm telling you, if he wanted too Stiles would be the biggest play boy in teen wolf" Jax said to me, we were walking down the halls our destination;the living room. "Jax,he's all awkward and clumsy" I said rolling my eyes "yeah sure that cute act is awesome, if he wore clothes like Derek, and put on this "I care but don't care" attitude, even Danny would want-no even SCOTT would fall for him" Jax said way to hyped about this "Scott and Stiles, together, no way,they are too much like brothers, and Stiles would probably get upset with Scott, Scott is clueless about a lot of shit, and Stiles honestly doesn't have that that kind of patient, Like Kira and Allison" I said factually.

We reached the living room and Caleb was there gping through some papers "but just hear me ou-" "OH MY GOSH... IS THAT YOUR BOYFRIEND, how about you go spend some time with him" I said cutting him off, Caleb looked up at us with a smile "come here, I want to spend my break with you" Caleb said opening his arms,Jax being the lovable baby boy he is, he went to his man,and I went to look for mine, don't get me wrong, I love my brother,but he really gets into these shows a bit TOO much, and they aren't even anime.

"Guys come on just let me out" I head Oliver say, from the other side of his bedroom door, how do I know this is Oliver, Aiden would've killed them all by now, and Oliver wants to be a good boy so he's being nice,  "sorry man, Max said not to let you leave until he comes back," aww Tender actually listens when I talk, I thought he hated me, but what he said is true. They both have been acting strangely and I dont want them going out at night, me....possessive?

I slowly opened the door and there was Tender holding a gun to Oliver's face, "hey Tender what you doing there" I asked him "thank gosh you're here, your mutt bit me" Tender whined "fuck you" Oliver scoffed crawling back to his bed, that's not definitely Oliver, like a little, very dangerous and could kill you in seconds puppy.

"Thanks Ten,I got it from here" I said sweetly, he rolled his eyes and walked out, "Oliver?" I asked taking off my clothes, walking over to him, he pulled me down to the bed with him spooning me, this is an Oliver moved, Aiden has my face in his chest, or his face in my chest, Oliver likes to spoon, him being the big spoon"why did you trap me in this room, I got bored,then that guy wouldn't stop starring at me" Oliver said in my hair, "because you are going places and I don't want to ask you about it." I said playing with his fingers, "then just stay in here with me forever" he said flicking my ring finger, "I can't, I have missions and I want to train,but today is just for me and you" I said bringing his hand up to my lips,and hive a soft peck on his knuckles.

"Are you ok with me?" He asked sounding a bit sad, I wanted to turn around to see his face, but he wouldn't like that, "what do you mean?" I asked paused playing with his fingers, "you're with, two persons, in the same body, are you ok with me, me Oliver?" He asked seriously, fuck it.

I turned around and our faces were inches away, he looked a bit frustrated, "Oliver, do you love me?" I asked looking into his eyes,he rolled his eyes and smirked "of course I do" he replied "are you ok with sharing me with Aiden?" I asked frowning a bit,he looked at me like I asked a stupid question "of course I am,he's the only one I'll share you with" he answered like it was obvious "Oliver. I love you, and I love Aiden, although he's more of an ass than you" I chuckled making him chuckle " I love you both, equally,as long as you guys are ok with me loving the both of you, I will love the both of you" I told him, "no matter what I do you'll love me right?" He asked, wait, did he cheat on me? his eyes widen "no I haven't cheated on you, and I will NEVER betray you like that" he said with a serious face.

I smile, leaned in and kissed him on the lips,soft and gentle, and he kisses back with the same gentleness,we pulled away and I turn back around holding his arm around my torso,playing with his fingers again, "as long as you don't cheat on me, I'll always love you" I closed my eyes and I went into a nice sleep.

"Little brother, little brother" who the fuck is banging on the door at-I check my watch-, its three in the morning "MAX OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR" Jax yelled, you ever wanted to to kill a sibling, like kill them for a few hours then bring them back to life? No just me? Kk.

I got out of the comfort of my boyfriend's arms and walked to the door, I opened it and Jax and Caleb stood there with blood all over them and a worried expression. "Wait, before you speak answe me this, why couldn't this wait until tomorrow, well when the sun is up?" I asked "listen Max we are in some deep shit right now," Jax said "what is it?" I asked concerned,Jax  handed me a note, with smeared blood, I read the note.

"Hey there lets meet up,"

I sighed placing a hand on my hip "Jax what the actual ass is this?" I asked him.

"Ok so when we were, when three guys came to the gate with guns, of course we started fighting along with the guards, when this red hair girl came out of no where and said she was from the rival gang, she said the note was from her bosses" Jax explained, "ok where?" I asked very unfazed by this, "it's at the back of the note" I flipped over and saw the date we should meet and the address, I looked up at Jax and Caleb, "the date is today, oh my ga- ok we'll go, and why were you to having sex in the yard, at three in the morning, seriously? " I asked them, but they just walked away,I closed the door sighed and reseted my head on it, I felt hands wrapp around my stomach, and light kisses on my neck, "go back to sleep" I mumbled "are you coming with me?" He aksed, "no, I have research to do,I need to have clothes on though" I said chuckling"I like you like this" he whined "I bet the guards outside would love seeing my abs and legs"I said teasing him, he released me running off to somewhere, I turned around to go get my clothes,he came back with an oversized shirt and pants, "these; wear" he said, he's so adorable, I laughed pulling up my pants, and watched him frown as I put on my shirt, "see you later" I said pecking him on lips before I leave the room.

Our rival wants to talk to us, and not our parents, kinda weird, and VERY suspicious.

Teehhheee hi there, how ya doing, hoped you enjoyed this chapter.....sorry i got news that Killing stalking was going to have an animated series, and i flipped my shit, i was researching all over, on tik tok watching these people go crazy because of it, hearing that it is too graphic to be shown...we are still waiting for word of it sooo DONT LOSE HOPE, and go to sleep its almost midnight...

Next chapter somehwere next week....byye

My Brother's Best FriendHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin