Chapter seventeen - Surrounded by psychos

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"He beat you up?" I asked Jax breaking the silence "Thats how it started" Jax said "He stopped because he realized what he was doing," Jax said looking away from us "so why did you beat him up?" I asked turning to Caleb "I want to know too,before that day he just stopped returning my calls and texts, on that day when I showed up to his house his parents weren't home I thought him and his parents went out, I called his parents and they said he was home, and the door was unlocked, I went up to his room and he just lost it when I got there" Jax said sighing holding himself "what happened was I there at the wrong time, did I do something, please tell me,I didn't expect you to-to do ...that to me," Jax said crying quietly, he looked do broken.

"Jax I'm so so sorry for what I did I- nothing I say can make up for what I did, please, just listen... I saw you kissing Jaden Greenwood and I was so mad I know he was your first male kiss and I wanted that to be me, I got so mad I-I... I saw you in my room and I remembered what happened I couldn't be your first kiss so I wanted to be your first something and I...I'm so sorry" Caleb said getting up holding Jax in his arms and Jax crying into Caleb's chest I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing my brother reuniting with his first love...I always thought he was straight.


We are now in the living room still watching Netflix Jax cried himself to sleep in Caleb's arms "I'm gonna take him to bed then head out" Caleb said with Jax in his arms "No stay I wanted to visit my uncles for a while, I don't want him waking up to an empty house" I told him "um ok" he said very uncomfortable, "Dont rape him now" I said grabbing my keys and walking out, before closing the door I heard him yell "TOO SOON". I got in my car and now I'm off to uncle Drew's house.

I pulled up to his house and knocked on his door ''UNCLE DREW" I heard rustling and something that sounded like a body falling down the stairs, then the door swung open with my uncle fixing his clothes I asked "were you about too-?" "Yes I was,but nooo I have a nephew who fucked up my dick time,and why weren't you at school today" he said pouting, I laughed and walked into the house and plopped down on the couch and groaned "I need to talk to you about that, I have drama in my life and I don't know what to do" "Baby who was here-" my uncle's husband Evan came down stairs naked, and damn his dick big.

"Shit um hi Max" he said turning around his back facing men
"hey Evan" I laughed out
"Imma go upstairs" he said running back upstairs

And he did

"Damn Uncle Drew how does it fit in you-"
"Shut up, what do you want?" He asked snapping at me "I think I like Aiden" I told him "so date him fuck you need me for" he said slapping his head "he left for psycho school, I won't see him until like college, what should I do?" I asked stressed out.

I told him everythingfrom the months he was living with us to now, even told him about Jax "look buddy, do what you want, we have a nature for psychos just look at your dad, did you know in high school your mom pushed his girlfriend off the school's roof, thats was before they started dating" he said sitting next to me laughing "but he knew how to handle her, soon they both left for different colleges,and your mom wasn't to happy about that,she promised him she would find him and they will have two sons and four years after that they met again but your father wasn't single he was dating a girl and your mom kind ran her over late at night....but HEY they own a big company with two sons so you see it worked out" he said smiling brightly I couldn't help but laugh.

"What about you, is uncle Evan a psycho?" I asked jokingly "A big one I almost shot someone for this precious gem" Evan said sitting next to Uncle Drew "what happened?" I ask wanting to hear more I know this is supposed to be about me but I love listening to their past.

"so in high school I was out openly gay wore my fag flag high, I didn't care about anyone, like back then we weren't really accepted people either gave me look of hatred, sympathy or didn't care, I had a college boyfriend who wasn't afraid to be out and open with me we dated for a month"

Uncle Drew said getting cut off by Evan growling "worst month of my fucking life" Evan said grumbling, "aww come on you got me" Uncle Drew said before turning back to me "my boyfriend back then, you know him actually... Aiden and Adam's dad" I gasped "OMG THAT'S CRAZY" "Anyway so we dated for a month and one day he came up to me faced bruised up and he said we had to break up, I didn't question it I just thought his dad beat him up for being gay or something, call me mean but if that were the case I wouldn't care, I later found out from your mom who found out from your dad who were best friends with Ash (Aiden and Adam's dad) that this dude beat him until he said he would break up with me, I didn't care I thought he was lying until-" "I pulled him into A janitors closet and told him how I felt, after that we were lab partners, and we hung out a lot and he started develop feelings for me, I mean how can he not I'm hot as hell, and charming" Evan said, they are so cute I could cry "shut up, anyway one day we were in my room and my brother was home on break,but he didn't know Evan was with me he called me down to tell me that he doesn't trust Evan and that I should break up with him, Evan over heard and shot at him but missed, I had to calm him down, it was the cutest thing ever,I got turned on a little" Uncle Drew explained "wait that dude you said you almost shot was my dad, das crazy" I said laughing.

"I got an early scholarship to a teaching school I was that smart ass bitch skipped senior year and went to college and I got my diploma, Evan was still in high school thats what I thought, he was in a psych ward when I found out where he was I drove and ran as fast I could to get him out of there but before I could save him, he got released for good behavior, I was so happy to have him back, he went to law school became a lawyer and I became a teacher then a Principal and now we live together happily" Drew said

wow that was amazing "so what should I do?" I asked "do what you want you have two options run after him like I did with Evan,or wait it out until he tries to kill whoever you'll date in the future like your mom and dad" "soooo what should I-"

"Wait it out" Drew
"Go for him" Evan
"Do you do baby" they both said
"Now show yourself out I have things to do" uncle drew said
"Or things to do you"
"Get out and fuck you" he said before going upstairs with Evan behind him
"Not my job!" I yelled

I opened the door and closed it to make seem like I left a couple of minutes later I heard moaning from their room, I walked upstairs quietly, opened their door and yell "PIZZA DELIVERY" the site was woah, uncle Drew hands were tied up and he had a blind fold on "woah kinky" I said "GET THE FUCK OUT" the both yelled "Alright alright ok see you Tomorrow" and then I left.

dont forget to vote and comment, and im sorry about any spelling errors

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