Niall leans out and stares up at him, "I don't think I'm gonna do the music class this time. I'm gonna talk to the counselor to see if I can change it for a different class. Maybe wood shop or public speaking."

Zayn's brows furrow, "Why would you wanna change music class? You adore that class."

Niall shrugs and gets out the bed, "Eh, I'm just not feeling it."

Zayn throws the duvet off him, "What do you mean you're not feeling it? Its a great class."

Niall groans, "Zee, I don't wanna talk about this anymore. Can we please just drop it?"

"No, we can't. Why do you wanna drop the class, Niall?" Zayn crosses his arms over his bare torso.

"Because..." Niall mumbles while pulling his jeans over his pale legs.

"Because what?"

"Because I'm not good enough! I don't need that fucking class if I'm not going into a career of music! There's no use!" Niall admits frustratedly.

Zayn gapes at him, "So that's what this is about? Because of what your mum said?"

Niall runs a hand through his bedhair, "I...I really need to focus on my grades, they're not the best. You know, I'm really trying hard to not be a failure."

Zayn crosses over to him and grabs his hand, "Baby, you're not a failure. Forget what your mum said, she's a bitch. Niall I'm very proud of you. Music is something that you're great at and if you wanna make a career out of it then you should. If you put your mind to something, you can achieve it."

"But I'm not good at school. I won't get into a good college if I have poor grades and the University of Music Tech is very prestigious, I won't get in" Niall huffs.

"Hey I'll help you. We can have tutoring session three times a week. You can do this, Niall, I believe in you" Zayn says.

Niall bites his lip, "You really think so?"

"I know so" Zayn beams and kisses Niall, immediately pushing his tongue in his mouth.

Niall moans and cups Zayn's cheek, kissing back. "I'm hungry" he mumbles against his lips.

Zayn pulls away and laughs. "You're always hungry."

Niall jutts out his bottom lip, "Make me eggs."

"You're so demanding" Zayn giggles but heads to the kitchen nontheless.


Niall looks around the hallways, a lump forming in throat. He feels suffocated and he doesn't know why. Maybe its because he hasn't been here in a few weeks. Maybe its because school was never his cup of tea in the first place. The bell rings snapping Niall out his thoughts and he's dragged to pre-calc by Zayn.

"Do I have to do this?" he groans.

"Oh come on, you were good at math" Zayn rolls his eyes.

"Ah Niall, welcome back" Mr. Griswald beams. Niall smiles back and heads to his old seat.

"Wow it feels weird being here" he says to Zayn.

"Its okay, you'll get used to it" Zayn pats his shoulder reassuringly.

Niall lets out a long breath he didn't even know he was holding in and turns his attention to the board.


"Look, me and Harry made up so I want you guys to do the same" Zayn informs as they head to lunch table.

"Ugh, why?" Niall pouts.

Zayn shoots him a warning look, "Harry apologized, okay? He's being mature and moving on and you should do the same. He's my best friend, he won't be leaving anytime soon and you're my boyfriend so you won't either. You have to get along."

Niall rolls his eyes and mumbles a 'whatever' as they take a seat. Harry and the others look up not even surprised, Zayn had told them what happened and that Niall's living with him now. They were all happy.

"Hey, Niall" Liam greets.

"Hey guys how are ya?" Niall asked.

"Good" Harry replies smiling. Niall mentally rolls his eyes and turns his attention to the others. Zayn sees this and shoots him another warning look while kicking him in the shin under the table. Niall hisses in pain and looks at Zayn angrily until Zayn kisses his lips. "Be nice" he mumbles against Niall's lips.

"Hey Niall can I talk to you?" Harry asked looking up at the blonde through his lashes.

Niall grimaces but covers it up quickly, "Sure."

They both get up from the table until a gruff voice calls out.

"Niall Horan!"

Niall turns to see the prinicpal along with two police officers by his side, approaching them.

"Yes?" Niall raises a brow, his heart thumping out his chest.

"You're Niall Horan?" one of the officers asked.

Niall nods, "Yes."

The other officer grabs Niall by his arms and cuffs him.

"What the hell?!" Niall yells.

"Niall Horan, you're under arrest for the assault of Ryland Hall" the officer states.

"Shit" Niall curses.

"What?! Niall, what the hell is he talking about?!" Zayn freaks, beyond confused.

"Its a long story babe" Niall replies, his head down in shame.

"What the fuck do you mean its a long story?! Tell me?!" Zayn says angrily.

"Sir, we don't have time for this. If you wanna know what's going on you'll have to come down to the station" the officer says.

"We'll go" Liam speaks while standing up.

"You guys are exempt for the rest of the day. Niall needs you, you may leave" The principal states.

The other boys nod while following Niall and the officers out the building, students staring and wondering what's going on.

"What the fucking hell did he do this time?" Zayn murmurs.

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