Anthony Reeves- Ignore

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Anthony's POV
I was scrolling through Youtube and saw a video of this guy ignoring his girlfriend to see her reaction, Y/n is really sensitive so this was gonna be interesting. "Anfony, can we go to the movies" Y/n asked me and I didn't answer her, so she asked again. "Anthony do you want to" she said again I looked at her and ignored her. "What's wrong are you mad at me" she said walking up to me, I ignore her again. She sighs and walks downstairs, I laugh to myself and lay down for a little. I then decide to play video games with my friends. "Baby do you want pizza rolls" she said and I ignored her again still playing video games. "Ok still mad at me" She said and walked downstairs, "Bro, you're so trash" I yell to my friends, I then hear Y/n lay down on our bed under the blankets, "I guess I'll cuddle myself" she said dramatically and sighed. I ignored her again and she pouted. "I love you bubs" she said smiling and I looked at her ignoring her, "Bro say it back"  Josh said through the mic, "nope" I said and continued playing, "I said I love you" she said and I just kept talking to Josh. "Ok well I'm going downstairs" I started to feel bad, but had to continue. "Bro I'm ignoring her because it's a challenge I saw on Youtube" I say to Josh, "Ohh that makes so much sense" He says and I laugh. "Anthony since you're ignoring me, I'll sleep downstairs" I ignore her again she scoffed, "What the fuck did I do" she said frustrated, I then started laughing. "Baby you didn't do anything, I was doing this thing that's going around on Youtube, I'm sorry I love you" I said getting up from my game and hugged her, she didn't hug back and sobbed. "You scared me asshole" she said and then playfully smacked me, I kissed her head. "me sorry" I said to her and she gave in and kissed my lips, we then cuddled the rest of the night.

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