Anthony Reeves- Kiss

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Anthony's POV
Y/n and I have been dating for 3 months and we haven't kissed yet and I want to but I'm scared she'll break up with me. Sometimes we get so close to kiss but it always gets interrupted by something and it's low key pissing me off. I love her, and she knows that because we say it but we don't kiss, so I don't even know tonight Y/n and I are having a date and it's the night we are gonna have a kiss for the first time and that's on period. "Y/n, I'm going to the Sway house get ready in a casual outfit, once I get back we're going on a date" I called to her, she smiled and I hugged her "bye baby" I said and left.
3 hours later
1 message from anthony🥺💜

anthony🥺💜: Hey babe hope you're ready🤞🏻
y/n: i am bubs🥺
anthony🥺💜: i love you babe❤️
y/n: love you more💝
I walked into Y/n's apartment, "Babe you ready" I asked her and saw her putting on her shoe. "yep" was all she said before we got into my car, "Where are we going" Y/n asked me, I grabbed her thigh "We are going to the beach" I said, she smiled widely "aww babe" I laughed when she said that, I let her thigh go and held her hand, she decided to film a Tik Tok of us holding hands and me kissing her head, and the sky like and aesthetic video. "We're here" I said and she smiled and got up instantly "Yay" and I laughed at her, we went up and I laid down the towel and the stuff for a picnic. "We can't swim cause it's to late but we can take pictures" she nodded and said. "Anthony you are the most generous person I know" and I laughed "I know" she smacked my arm and we played fight until I landed on top of her and this was it our kiss. I hurried up before any interruptions and kissed her, we started making out on the beach and we stopped to eat. "I love you Anthony" was all she said before falling asleep in my front seat.

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