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a few months later


I paced the office impatiently. Axel sat at the desk his head banging against the desk over and over again. “Doing that isnt going to help matters any,” I told him stopping my pacing, crossing my arms and facing Axel.


Axel looked up at me and growled. “Well Im at a loss, how often are DNA tests wrong? Im not Hopes father, my father isnt the father and neither is Dom. We are all over the tabloids, for our merger, the DNA fight and for not knowing who the hell Hope’s biological father is, its a hastle. Kim over at the Testing Center swears up and down that the tests are 99% accurate and there has never been a false result.” Axel told me.


I went to open my mouth to speak and then I stopped. “What if it isnt wrong?” I asked him. I walked to the desk and placed my hands on it, leaning towards him. “What if its Rhett!” I exclaimed. “Aw come on now Lenny, are you trying to send me to an early grave?” he asked me, taking a moment out of beating his brains out, to look up at me.


I crossed my arms again and looked at him. “Well its someone! And its a Sheridan, and you said you wanted to know!” I snapped. “Yes, I did, but I didnt want the father to be Rhett! The guy is a basket case, he’s mental!” he told me. He straightened in his chair and started to fiddle with his tie.


“Okay I get the whole idea is unsettling but if we get him tested and it turns out that he is, Axel we can get full custody, we will know who Hopes real father is and then we can fight for her!” I said smiling. “Your joy in this situation is so uncalled for, I dont even want to know how he could have possibly known who Corrine even was, and I definitely dont want to imagine him fucking Corrine,” he said to me. “Well than dont think of it like that, if I didnt know any better I would think that you still had a thing for her, I mean ever since you found out Hope wasnt yours, you have been obsessed with finding out whose she was. Corrine is dead, her daughter is alive and being taken care of. If you ask me it doesnt matter who Corrine did do, or didnt do. Hope is ours. All we need is the legalities taken care of.” I snapped at him.


He sighed and walked over to me. “Youve been Moody lately,” he said as he wrapped me in a hug. I smiled into his shoulder. “Yes, well I havent been feeling very well either, maybe it means something,” I told him lightly. He pushed me back slightly and looked down at me grinning. “Really?” he asked. I nodded. “Maybe, I havent gotten it in two months….” I trailed off. “We need to go get a test!” he said loudly and then he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the office. The thought of a pregnancy test took his mind of the DNA test, at least for the time being.


“Why is it negative, wait why are they all negative?” Axel demanded an hour later. We were looking at the 5 tests he demanded we buy, that were laying on the counter of the bathroom. I let out a sigh. “Damnit, I drank like 5 liters of water for negatives?” I grumbled. I sat down on the toilet lid. Axel knelt beside me and pushed my hair back from my face. “Its probably just stress, or false negatives? Go to the Dr and get a blood test okay?” he asked me. “This is all very disheartening,” I told him as I leaned against him. Of course nothing would go the way that I would like it too.


****Later that day****


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