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AN: so we have one more chapter and an epilogue after this. Everything is getting tied up. I've already started the sequel and can't wait to post but this gem needs to be finished first. My next update should be over the weekend!!!! ReVomment!!! -Opal


So we did it. The next morning, after a night of rough and endless "getting acquainted" with each other, we finally got up and dressed, making our way down to the courthouse. This would kill our families but it would make things better in the long run. Plus, Freya made a cute flower girl and ring bearer and bridesmaid and groomsman.

After we said our "I do's" and Axel kissed the bride we turned and left. Axel smacking my ass once or twice along the way.

When we made it back out to the car, he looked at me and grinned. "We did it," he whispered. "We did, so how about we take this back to the house and attempt to accomplish the next part of the contract huh?" I asked shifting in my seat.

"You are going to be the death of me," Axel groaned as he pulled me in to kiss him.

But when we got back to the house Sheridan was waiting for us. He was sitting in the front porch. We got out and walked to him, Freya yipping behind us.

"We need to talk," Sheridan said as soon as we hit the steps. "The four buffoons are back behind bars but you know that it would ruin our reputation to keep Dom in jail," he said as he stood up.

"Just Dom?" I questioned. Axel looked at me as if telling me to keep quiet. "Rhett will be released as well, it wouldn't do to release one and not the other," Sheridan said offhandedly. "They shouldn't be released at all. They tried to kill my wife and almost succeeded more than once," Axel exclaimed.

“Yet they are Sheridans and you know as well as I do what keeping them incarcerated will do the family name,” Sheridan snapped. Axel rolled his eyes. I grabbed his arm, trying to calm the storm before it even grew its strength. “Dad just do us a favor and just leave. I dont care what you do, just dont let them back around me or my wife!” he snapped back.

Sheridan raised a brow. “Wife? Axel what did you do?!” he exclaimed. “I married the woman I love and we said to hell with the contract,” he replied. Sheridans face turned red in anger. “Without you and Lenny we will have nothing, both families will have nothing we need a merge!” he yelled.

“And you have it, we married on our own terms, but Im still going to keep up with my end of the deal, we will have baby before the year is up.” I told him. Sheridan calmed down slightly. “A year from today Lenny or your half of the company is mine.” he sneered. Axel blew up this time. “For your information, that contract was amended by Alexis Parks but never signed. And Ill sign it. And even if I didnt, the company would go to me, which in retrospect would go to her as well. So dont make demands that you have no right making, now leave!” he stated.

Sheridan shook his head, mumbled under his breath and walked away from us. Axel let out a sigh and then grabbed me and pulled me in close to him, kissing the top of my head. “Kids or no kids, Lenna Sheridan, I will love you no matter what,” he whispered in my ear. and even though it took many accidents to happen and many recitements, I believed him.

*** 2 weeks later***

“Im sorry Mr Sheridan but we cant let you take the baby home with you until there is legal documentation signed from the real father,” the case worker told Axel. He groaned, running his fingers through his hair in frustration “What does it matter, the test came back negative as myself being the father, but it came back conclusive as it being a Sheridan.” he told her. “Thats two options. One would never risk the public humiliation again and the other is a criminal. Im the best option for the baby.” he stated. The case worker sighed this time.

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