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I finished my work day holed up in my office. I so did not expect my first day to go like it had. I wanted a smooth sailing day. I mean I wore matching bra and panties and everything, and despite that fact, my day had went to hell in a hand basket and quick. When 5pm rolled around I gratefully locked my office up, said goodbye to Rose and walked out the suite to the elevator. I was so preoccupied with the turmoil in my mind that I didnt see the two of them until they were walking towards me. "Hey babe!" Rhett said at the same time that Axel said my name. Axel froze in step and turned to look at Rhett who looked confused. I couldnt handle this. I took off for the stairs. "Wait, Lenna!" Rhett yelled after me. I stopped and faced him just as Axel caught up with him. "Qho are you?" he demanded. Rhett looked taken back at first and then he snapped back. "None of your damn business," he replied. "Im a police officer," Axel warned. "And he didnt do anything wrong now can you just go!" I yelled at him. "You know him?" Rhett asked. "She's my fiancee," Axel said smugly. 

"What?" Rhett asked me, his brows furrowed in a frown. "I am not your fiancee! Get it through your thick ass skuill, come on!" I said and grabbed Rhetts arm and pulled him to the stairwell exit. As the door closed behind me, Rhett pulled me to him and forced my chin up so I would look him in the eyes. "Whats going on Len?" he asked softly. "I need a drink, or 5," I told him. And being the nice guy that he was he didnt press me any further or ask anymore questions. He just nodded and held his hands out for my keys and I gladly handed them over. 


6 shots of whatever Rhett got me and I was gone. Rookies was always busy and tonight wasnt any different. I was still dressed in work clothes and heels, and Rhett was still dressed in his slacks and shirt, he just undid the tie and rolled up his sleeves. This guy right here, I could marry him, my drunk brain thought. "Dance with me!' I yelled at Rhett as Timber by Pittbull filled the bars walls. Rhett smiled, downed his shot and followed me to the dance floor. AS soon as the beginning of the song came on, my body started to move and Rhett held my hips and drug me close to him. I closed my eyes and went along with the music. I loved when he danced with me. He was the only white guy that I knew that could keep a beat and could actually dance. His fingers dug into my hips as he brought my ass up to his crotch. He was the biggest horndog in the world and he knew I loved him either way. I turned and his smile fell a little as I looped my arms around his neck, stuck a leg between his and pretty much humped his ass on the dance floor. 

As soon as the chorus hit, we were done for. His lips smashed against mine and then he quickly grabbed hold of me and all while kissing me, pulled me off the dance floor and into the back of the bar and into the shipping and receiving area. Pushing me up against the cold brick wall, i hissed as he ran his hands swiftly down my blouse unbuttoning all the buttons. As soon as he got to the last one he swiftly hiked my skirt up and hitched me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. My brain was foggy and I vaguely remembered Axel's warning from earlier. But I pushed it aside. This was Rhett. He was my other half. I might not love him like you actually should love someone you consistently have sex with but he knew how and where to touch me to make my body ignite in flames.

My hands were unbuckling his belt and slipping into his slacks as his left hand was pushing my panties aside and his right hand was pulling my hair causing my neck to be bared to his lips. This was my normal. We did this all the time. But maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was the events from the day, or even Axels idle threat, but it didnt feel right. I tried to push past the feeling but it was like a barrier that was blocking me from doing what my body wanted. Rhett noticed me stiffen and he moved away from my neck and looked at me. He never got mad when I denied him or changed my mind either. That was another reason why he was so perfect. "Im sorry," I murmured as he let me fall to the ground. My feet hit the floor and I hobbled a bit trying to catch my balance. He looked down at me. "I love you Len and you know that, I would never do anything that you didnt want me to do," he reminded me. I buttoned my shirt back up and fixed my skirt and tried to look presentable even though I knew that every sober person on the dance floor would already know what went on, or well what almost went on. 

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