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(AN: so we all know it's inevitable. My story has to end at some point. Even though its taken me two more months than I wanted. As usual its not edited. It may have inconsistencies but I'm writing it for my enjoyment and yours. Feel free to comment on things you've liked and haven't liked or ant mistakes you've caught.

There is one more chapter and an epilogue after this.

Next update: end of this week or beginning of next

ReVomment loves!


Ch 18

I felt like the last few months of my life was spent passing out and waking up to Axels face. Then things changed.

I woke up to Valerie's. "You think you're so damn smart don't you?" She said seething. If she was a dog I was sure she would be foaming at the mouth.

"Thinking that they would charge me on a bipolar mans confession. You must really not know who the hell I am!" She snapped. I frantically searched for my call button.

"It wouldn't have been that bad you know, kill you, frame Sheridan, the company goes to Dom, he marries your bitch sister. We had it planned. And Rhett's dumb self had to irrevocably fall in love with you. That's what ruined it all. But its okay. I'll finish what he started. " she said and she walked towards me with a large needle looking like a murderous nurse.

I let out a scream and then just as she pounced on the bed Axel flew in the room, he skidded to a stop and then instantly grabbed Valerie by her hair and pulled her off of me. The needle scraped my arm causing me to hiss. Valerie slid across the floor and hit the wall, slumping to the ground in an unconscious heap.

"Why didn't you move!" Axel yelled as he grabbed my arm and looked at the scratch. He held my face in his hands, causing my face to pucker out like a fish. "You're an idiot!" He said and he kissed me frantically. When he broke free and turned to face Valerie his demeanor changed. He shook her awake and as she fought against him, he read her her rights and handcuffed her. Eyewitness attempted murder would definitely hold in court.

But we had two bigger problems than this crazy bimbo. If Valerie was out that meant Dom and Rhett were to.


"What in gods name is your problem!" Axel yelled at his father a few days later. We were back at our house, waiting for the expedited DNA results, which coincidentally.... "You can't claim her!" Sheridan said holding the papers we needed close to him. "She is not part of the plan!" "None of this was part of the plan but it happened, if she's a Sheridan she's mine and if she's not she is still going to be mine!!! I have a lawyer looking through the adoption process!" Axel snapped. "Now give me the goddamned papers dad!"

Sheridan shook his head. "You know this complicates matters and doesn't fit in with the contract..." He stated. "Fuck you and your contract. Can't you just for once think about something other than your stupid business! After all that's happened can't you leave well enough alone? You know what...fuck this. I'm out!" He said and then he turned around and stormed out of the house leaving me in a stare down with Sheridan.

"If that baby is his he has the right to know. And if its not he still has the right to know. Just give me the papers and I'll make sure that everything goes according to how the contract is stated." I explained. "The contract doesn't make room for bastard children," Sheridan huffed. This time I got pissed. "Funny, seeing as you made a few of those yourself. Don't try and act high and mighty. We know about Rhett and the threat against Ms Nouveau, he's still your son whether its by bastard claim or not. So don't try to play that card." I snapped.

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