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BZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. I groaned and pushed my face into my pillow. Who in the hell was calling me so late at night? I blindly search for my phone on the bedside table, and it takes a moment for me to realize its not there because I wasnt at my home. I shoot up instantly in the bed and the person next to me shoots up as well. "What?" Axel asks his voice foggy with sleep. "What happened whats wrong?" he looked over at me his hair disheveled and in his face and the remnants of sleep still in his eyes. Did I seriously just stay over at his house after having sex with him! I was beating myself up on the inside. That was my number one rule. Never sleep with the enemy. and obviously since I broke that rule, I had to resort to number two. Never sleep with the enemy and stay at his house. and look what I just did. I broke that rule as well. 

Rule number three, when you break rule one and two, run, forest, run. "Uh, my phone someone is calling me," I stammer as I get out of bed. He looks up at me, lust in his eyes again. and it takes a moment for my sleep adled brain to realize im still naked. I grab the sheet and wrap it around me. I stumble around the room looking for the device that wont quit buzzing. I pick it up and it isnt mine. "its yours," I say as I hand it out to him. He frowns and gets up from bed, mindless that he too is butt ass naked, and he grabs the phone from my hand. "im off tonight," he murmurs and then he answers it. I was feeling a little aprehensive. "Sheridan," he says curtly. He was awake now. "Yes, I know the Filmores....yes." he looks up at me worry in his eyes. Who died? Who was in an accident? Better yet, how in the hell did his co workers know that he knew the Filmores? "Yeah, Ill meet you there," he replied and hung up the phone. 

"I need you to get dressed and come with me," He finally told me. What? Was he arresting me? "Someone broke into your house, they dont have an ID on him yet, but they have him cuffed and waiting for you," he said. "Why me?" I asked. "because he said he knew who you were," Axel noted. I had a feeling he was keeping that tidbit in the back of his brain until it became handy. "Just get dressed and meet me in the car, Im letting Freya out really quick,' he told me as he pulled on clothes, just as quickly as he took them off. As he left the room, my mind started to whirl a million miles a minute. Who broke into my house and then requested to see me before they were hauled off to jail? I got dressed absentmindedly, and I was pulling my shoes on when I heard Axel call for Freya to come back in the house. 

I searched for my own phone and found it just as I heard Axel start up his car. It was on silent and it had over 50 texts, 12 voicemails, and 15 missed calls. I scrolled through them confused at first. Then horrified. every single one was from Rhett. 

youre a dumb bitch you know that

marrying that guy just so you have money. I have a decent life and I could have gotten another job just to make you happy. but you reject me over and over. Some friend. 

I scroll down the other messages and they become harder and harder to decipher. 

I won be hel responsble for wat ive done. i loved u i always loved u and u jus sined yur death warrant. fuck im drunk.

My heart was beating way faster than it should have. The last text wasnt from the Rhett  I knew. I pocketed my phone and ran out to meet Axel in the car, We were both silent. The radio was playing but I couldnt hear the music. All i was thinking of was the fact that my best friend, my go to for all my problems, threatened to kill me because I was stuck on Axel. I knew Axel was bad news. Bad news from the moment he pulled me over on 90 and looked at me with those sinful eyes. 

We made it to my house just as 2 squad cars pulled up. Knowing that I was going to be responsible for putting my best friend in jail was killing me I couldnt let Axel know about the threat. Axel parked the car, left it running and got out and I followed. I was trying to come up with ways to get Rhett out of this. He didnt want to kill me, he was just drunk. Alcohol made people do dumb things. Axel grabbed a hold of my hand and we walked up to the 5 officers that were already on the scene. What the hell had Rhett done that was so bad that he needed....was that smoke? My eyes were glued on my house. Or what was left of it. Granted it wasnt that bad but it was still pretty well burnt. The entire front side was black and crumbling. 

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